
Hopefully they bring back Lieutenants M’Ress and Arex (the two aliens at the back of the top image).

That’s a tough sob story to buy coming off their self-proclaimed best year ever and handing out a $15M signing bonus to their new CFO. Not to mention Bobby’s ludicrous compensation. Can’t expect any of those guys to ever take a hair cut on their salaries and bonuses, right? Seems like given their current situation,

That jumped out at me too. Especially given that part of Blizzard’s business model for their games (particularly WoW) relies on people staying subscribed, QA and tech support are crucial.

“It’s been a record year. To celebrate, we’re firing 10% of our workforce. Except for executives, of course. Why would we fire ourselves, right? Look at how awesome we are.”

QA is a development department.

The sad part is that, on paper, the Activision-Blizzard partnership is a good one. Activision rakes in consistent money which can be used to fund Blizzard’s long-term development, games which have the potential to create extreme profits. And sure, Blizz has been in a rut with only expansions to WoW and Hearthstone and

To be fair, that is how capitalism is supposed to work.

“Why even try to fight back when there’s a chance you’ll lose?” is not an argument that has ever served anyone well.

Kotick is not telling the truth obviously. While Activision is doing well now, there are so many signs of trouble over the horizon they couldn’t ignore it. Increasing game development costs especially as we transition to newer hardware, softer performance of annualized releases, games as service not being the panacea

Victim blaming and ‘whatabout’ is not a good look. Just letting you know.

it equates to them hiring that new ceo with a 30 million dollar bonus... activision is the fucking devil. we had record setting year for us.. but thats going in our pockets and we need about 800 people cut from the books...

So excited for another thread of corporate bootlickers telling everyone, “ThAt’S hOw CaPiTaLiSm Is SuPpOsEd To WoRk.”

Actually, it isn’t that farfetched. Don’t carrier flight deck crews wear different colors for what they do?

CBS just wants the Discovery era to look 25% different from the TOS era, because it takes place ten years before the original show.

Sure do - this article is from right around the time the “25% different” rumours first surfaced. They appear to have stemmed from remarks made by John Eaves and Scott Schneider, who re-designed the Enterprise last season. I’ll include the relevant CBS response after the link.

The lack of holographic telecommunication in TOS and TNG is pretty stupid to begin with. 


The simple fact that they did go back and add the rank stripes completely disproves your 25% theory. Quit trying to make the case, you're making yourself look foolish.

Can tell me it’s canon, too. Because it is.

lol, keep telling yourself Discovery isn’t canon.