Formica Dinette

I read My Year of Rest and Relaxation a few months ago and literally finished Eileen this morning. I loved them both and I’m not sure I can really say why. I did realize near the end of Eileen how much I appreciated both her disgustingness and her apparent ability to move on from it. Both books are simultaneously

Thank you. Unfortunately, not all of my siblings have done the same.

And olive bars. And salad bars. And bulk food bins. People are disgusting.

I’m going to address my postcard to Bart O’Kavanaugh.

I refuse to believe you can even get tapas in North Dakota.

I see the raised eyebrow thing so much these days that I assumed it was the new duckface. It’s not just selfies, though. The other day I noticed it in an author’s book photo.

I don’t know much about Norm MacDonald, but now I know he’s a piece of shit.

Their “phenomenal rapport” sounds like the conversations I have with coworkers I don’t care about but have to pretend I do.

to great aunts were tied to abusive husbands because they were not allowed access to birth control

I feel like wearing that hat would make the event happen. Go for it!

Seems like everything is a fucking tunic these days!

Maybe it’s different in Orange County, but here in Seattle wildfire smoke smells like a camp fire. A massive, oppressive camp fire—but still, nothing even remotely like cigarettes.

Saving this pic because I know I’ll get a lot of mileage out of it.

That’s pretty much what my 16-pound (down from 17!) cat looks like. The vet thinks 14-15 is probably his ideal weight.

Most of the things he complains about in those quotes are pretty standard for U.S. workers:

You shut your mouth! Those tiny killers are fine just the way they are.

I had a friend who was bitten by a sea lion when she was little because her parents wanted a photo of her sitting next to it.

I love the Washington Trails Association website because it gives you distance, elevation gain, a general description, and reviews from other hikers!

According to the anecdata I’ve collected, lots of people ignore the “clean and dry” requirement for recycling. I’ve seen people remove someone else’s pizza box from the compost bin (where it belongs) and put it in the recycling bin.