Typical Fallon!
Typical Fallon!
Yeah, I have to admit to squealing "It's the Others!!" when they saw the boat…they even have a Mr. Friendly!
First season Phil was just excruciating, wasn't he? I was so close to giving up so often — I only hung on because the writers made it just baaarely clear enough that they knew Phil was horribly unlikeable. His comeuppances were frequent enough, and severe enough, that I trusted that the writers *knew* he was awful and…
"The smallpox vaccine was originally discovered when Edward Jenner
observed that milkmaids who had caught cowpox on the job were immune to
You were just making a lasagna…for one
Guess I need a rewatch, I missed that somehow! shame you can't take credit for the lovely turn of phrase.
Characters are always storming off before enjoying the nice meal or beverage someone has offered them! I demand more shows where people politely finish their food.
you have a poet's soul
Upvoted for making me sit here giggling, imagining someone living in a fool's paradise for such a bizarre reason… "Oh, I have had the WORST day! But at least I always know there was a brother in Psycho…"
HA HA No it's not almost 20 years old, because then that would make me………….so you see that doesn't add up because….no but…hang on, but…..I— I'm young, do you hear me, YOUNG
This is kinda funny…I was reading your comment and really identifying with what you're saying, because I've been in a better place in my life lately too, and I also connect it strongly to the music I'm listening to… I used to listen to pretty gloomy music almost exclusively, and I've only recently started listening to…
Poor Scientician, you're really grappling with the sense of the icy hand of Death creeping toward you in these comments, aren't you :(
Oh, yeah, totally totally sexless, yeah! I'm definitely with you and not at all turned on by weird music and Thom Yorke wailing!
Wow! Thanks for pointing that out, I missed it too! He did an excellent job, didn't he? I was thinking how whoever wrote this one really understood how to write a classic Norma Rant. Can't remember exactly how she put it, but the bit about the "Pfft!" was where I really loved the writing.
For some reason this particular episode had me thinking almost exactly the same thing — I kept remembering how I rolled my eyes when I heard they were doing this TV series, and how low my expectations were when we started it. Never imagined it would end up being one of my favorite shows on TV!
"Seriously, Norma… 19 murders, 20 murders— I get it, I'm with you…but 21 murders?! I'm trying to be supportive here, honey, but the lake is filling up."
We've never spoken, but I've lurked for ages, and always got a smile out of seeing that someone else remembered Puddleglum, my favorite part of all the Narnia books (which are still awesome books, proselytizing or no).
So then were your classes just held in the aisles of Wal-Mart? I hope it was one of those classy Wal-Marts with a produce section so you had fresh foods for lunch at least.
You get over that "ahh, the smell of books!" thing reeeal fast if you work in a public library.
I spent waaay too long thinking "BBIAW" was some kind of weird onomatopoeic representation of your barfing noise and trying to make that sound work in my head…