formerly skittish

Ovaries all over the planet would explode and there would be a world wide spate of mysterious virgin births.

And while the guys are here saying that we should just ignore the "few" bad apples who do that and be honest with everyone, that what we're talking about in the end is safety. So dear dudes, you are not entitled to your personal ideal behavior from every woman more than those women are entitled to safety.

And how much should we charge the GOP for uselessly voting to repeal Obamacare literally 40 times?

I used to think that most guys who couldn't stand to hear about periods were just misogynistic on some level. Because really... to me, period blood is downright charming compared to other bodily products. I mean, period blood is just red liquid (not really worse than actual blood) that smells like copper. But now that

This is exactly how I feel about Christians and all other organized religions.

20% women = woman-friendly

You mean this American public?

Am I the only one here who actually likes Chobani? I mean, yeah, that Greek Gods stuff is fluffy and rich and awesome, but for a light snack, I prefer some creamy, fruity Chobani... It's more protein and less fat, and I still think it tastes good.

I am the lead author (John Kelly) of the article cited in this editorial. I'm afraid to say that the piece written here is wrong and actually is the complete OPPOSITE of what we found in this study. Women benefited AS MUCH AS men from AA participation, BUT they benefited in DIFFERENT ways from AA. I would strongly

"Neptune High really does sit on a hell mouth..."

I want to believe things are getting better, but I actually think they're getting worse.

Speaking as someone who works in the food industry (I'm a baker), and whose dad did work incredibly similar to what you are describing that you did in the past—the heat and the amount of physical labor are actually incredibly comparable. My kitchen could get well over 100 degrees on a cool day, easily over 110. No

Jesus you Anericans are completely void of empathy, No wonder nothing changes.

I really hope that this goes Federal and they press criminal charges. Pretty much the only situation where I'm glad we have Hate Crime (thoughtcrime) laws.

I'm gonna repeat what I just said in a different thread: restaurant kitchens get into the the 100s even with air conditioning, because they have those massive grills, heat lamps, and grease traps that are heated up all day long to well over 300 degrees. So having no air conditioning (or at least proper ventilation) in

What the fuck ever. I pass out inside if I get hot. You think standing in a hot stifling kitchen is not so bad? Try it for 8 hours.

YEs a million times yes!

am i the only one that has a problem with the fact that every one of these male posters has a first impression of I'M GOING TO RAPE YOU unless you read the fine print?