Yum! Yes! Elysian Pub black bean burger up in there! (Go Seattle!)
Yum! Yes! Elysian Pub black bean burger up in there! (Go Seattle!)
As a Brit, I have 2 things to say:
1: Your political system is WAY fucked up.
2: You need to get on this socialised healthcare shit ASAP. It is GREAT. You are going to LOVE IT.
This is Bullshit. Fuck the GOP. WIC and NASA? FUCK ALL Y'ALL. I'm moving to Canada, godammit.
It pisses me off to an infinite degree that Jon Stewart is the one talking about this and not the actual "legitimate" news. What in the hell am I suppose to do next month if SNAP isn't available? Go to a food bank? Oh you mean the things in my state that had their budget decreased by 66%? Get a better job? That…
Because it's late at night and I'm pissed off—my kid didn't get his speech therapy.
As we end our first day of the Federal government shutdown, Jon Stewart captures the GOP mentality in a nutshell:…
I'm 23. Approaching my sixth year at the same place of employment. Jobs are for making money. You do what you actually enjoy when you're not working. I don't know how old this woman is, but I would be inclined to get pissed off that she's contributing to the shitty image of people my age.
Maybe it's just because I grew up a suburban middle-class kid, but I'm always shocked by how open celebrities are about their current drug use. Like, I was raised to believe that you kept your illegal drug use a secret because it was....illegal.
Having an alcoholic/addict for a mother isn't funny. The reality of the situations that addicts drag their families into, isn't funny. Failed attempts at reconciling those situations aren't funny. Having to sever ties with your mother isn't funny. I will never see any humor in this show. Perhaps it hits too close to…
He is going to REALLY REGRET having taught the kitten that this is okay, when it's a full-grown cat.
She keeps using that term, "Body diversity." It does not mean what she thinks it means.
I have to PVR some programmes because my husband won't Shut. The. Fuck.Up. when I am watching TV. I love him so much but the motherfucker does not stop talking sometimes. Men talk waaaay more than women because men talk over women.
"One of the bugs used to make yogurt. ONE OF. Repeat those words to yourself and see if your yogurt cup tastes any different."
Err... You DO know how yoghurt is made, right? I mean, how it has always been made?
BRIMSG Have I ever told you that I love you?
I think it has something to do with your comments
I'm with you, Wendi. I half expect sometime in the next decade for women to just get onto stage, buck naked, and clack their vaginas for the audience. Just flap, flap, flap their pussies for all the world to see. Why not? It's pretty much the same as what they're doing now....