formerly skittish

I'm just tired of this. Tired of hearing about it happening, tired of living in fear that Roe v. Wade could be overturned, tired of hearing the false, B.S. rhetoric that spews forth every time the issue comes up. And I think the only thing that will stop the states from chipping away at rights is if people get pissed

So Wendy Davis can't sit, eat, drink, pee, rest, or lean (or discuss sonograms while talking about abortion) but they can vote after midnight? Fuckers.

Agreed. I thought male Texans were different versions of Rick Perry, but I now realize that there are some genuinely awesome Texan politicians.

Amazing, standup dudes. Happy to have them on our side.

Oh, lord, now I have to put on clothes and head over to the 24 hour walgreens to get a big old hershey bar, because I am so. flipping. depressed. And because that sounded like a great idea.

Seems like all the legislators in that room should take a gander outside the room and building. They might want to think a bit more about making illegal votes.

Allies! Actually allying! Awesome!

She was in the final third of her filibuster. You can't abort anything after the 2/3 mark. LET HER SPEAK.

So pissed at the bullshit they pulled to end the filibuster. Hoping people recognize the irony in the fact that we're now literally watching a group of men debate a woman's right to speak.

Obviously Wendy is my main hero, but these guys are awesome.

What a dickhead. No matter where you work (but excuse me, the Supreme Court, where we finalize legal matters) you don't roll your eyes at someone and be rude like that. I hope she took him aside afterward and told him off for being a rude asshole.

To me, nursing mama cats' faces always say, "Will somebody get these things the hell off of me already?"

One of the most wonderful compliments I ever got: While watching the PBS doc on feminism, my daughter saw the picture of the young and lovely RGB, maybe in her 30s, all serious over the typewriter, and said, "Mama, she looks like you."

Their justification — and I swear I have heard this MANY TIMES — is "black people say it, so we should be allowed to too." Because Jay-Z singing "Niggas in Paris" is totally and exactly the same as a white guy complaining about the n**gers ruining the neighborhood in their heads.

My eyes! The promos show nathing!

If you were to watch the teasers alone, you'd probably think Mad Men was a show about a group of strangely dressed people who spend all their time opening doors for surprise visitors, staring sadly at glasses of scotch or sighing into telephones.

Fox News introduces new cooking show in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

Problems arise when you lose it, though, and then go back to your Midwest home town. I was in Wal-Mart getting groceries with my sister, and she was like "Um...just so you know? People are actively avoiding you. That women just took one look at you and moved to the other side of the displays...and she's not the

Pit bulls are so incredibly loving. My 7 year old cousin has a 3 year old pit bull and calls the pit bull her little sister. The pit bull is never loud and has never growled at anyone. It even knows how to act around really small children.

I think that for dog lovers, and especially people who are advocates for rescue dogs, pit bulls hold a special place in the heart. They're discriminated against because of their breed, because assholes like Michael Vic breed strong dogs, like pit bulls, and then train them to fight each other. It's not the fault of