Sitting down, she doesn't show. I look like that if I slump in a chair.
Sitting down, she doesn't show. I look like that if I slump in a chair.
I'm a tall woman myself and though I've never been pregnant yet, according to my mother we don't "show" as much as our more petite counterparts. Therefore many of us never get the experience of being "adorably pregnant". :(
Aww, long-hair tortie! My (short-hair, tiny tiny) tortie is All Playtime, All the Time. She's absolutely obsessed with the Red Dot, but she knows it's not real. She knows she can't get it, it doesn't smell, ***and*** that it comes from the laser pointer. She'll therefore beg, much like a dog relentlessly begs for…
I'm 5'11" and barely showed for eight months. I didn't wear maternity clothes, just babydoll dresses, overalls and bike sorts with denim shirts (shut up; it was the 90's). Then going into that ninth month and a little beyond I gained twenty pounds and boom, I was PREGNANT.
It was about that time in my pregnancies (actually probably a month earlier) that people seemed nervous getting in an elevator with me in case a) they didn't fit and b) my waters broke on the way down.
FUCK THIS NOISE. I am three days overdue and want this baby OUT!!!! At least at this point my son won't have the same birthday as the Kardashian spawn.
By that picture, it seems like she could actually be one of those women who DIDN'T know she was pregnant!
I have a (normal person) friend who is her height and similar build, she never showed either. At 9ish months she just looked like she gained about 10 lbs.
I thought that. The baby is probably in a perpendicular position. Very soon it will be too long/tall to maintain that position and it will "drop" and she'll look like she exploded overnight.
Yeah but Nicole Kidman didn't have a bump at all until like the ninth month of her pregnancy, some people are just small
The girl has amazing genes to begin with, for one.
I don't get it!!!! She's only two weeks ahead of me and yet has no bump and mine is spot on the measurement of where I should be. If her bump is much smaller, there are (bad) medical reasons and she wouldn't be out. It doesn't make sense!
She's 5'10. Tall women don't get as big - longer torsos and all. I am 5'10 and didn't have to buy maternity clothes till my 3rd trimester.
Right?! My sister is that size at only 5 months. I do love my royals, but I wish she would just look like a normal human being ONE TIME. She probably wakes up looking like a Disney princess (instead of a woodland creature, like us normals).
Yeah that sounds like my aunt's cat. She's so ungrateful. She wouldn't even be there, living that life of luxury, if it wasn't for me. My aunt found her cats because when my sister and I were little, we were trick-or-treating, and this lady was trying to convince people to adopt the kittens her cat had had. We knew…
That's my role with my sisters' cats. They still love me though, but only because I play with them a lot and bring treats and my cat along.
I should amend my first statement by saying that she is a total love slut for me and my bf. Sometimes my sister. Other than that, she is a coward or a nasty she-devil. She…
Guys. this reminds me.
Cat diary. Day 150 of my captivity: I have convinced woman that I enjoy her "mop" game. Next on the agenda - poop in her favorite pair of shoes and scratching the hell out of those tights she's always wearing. Dog is next.