Seriously, everyone in Hollywood has slept with Gwyneth by association, I can see those women not wanting to make friends.
Seriously, everyone in Hollywood has slept with Gwyneth by association, I can see those women not wanting to make friends.
So basically that's how I picked out my kitten. I saw a few kittens and was like "I WANT THE ORANGE ONE NOW!!!!!!!". No regrets. (even though she is a totally insane 5 year old BEAST now). I think when adopting a pet either find the pet that's right for you OR GET THE CUTEST ONE because then when they are terrible…
I totally agree. It's strange that it's not a verified account. However, the sparsed out craziness and lack of protest from Ms. Bynes leads me to wonder if it is a legitimate account.
I find the whole plan thing freaks me out a bit (commitmentphobe) and for me (introvert) the whole socializing part of an exercise class usually exhausts me more than the exercise part. Just start by getting something excercise-y in during the day. sometimes when I feel too crappy for anything difficult I download a…
Yo, somebody say my name?!?? My middle name. Yeah, "Exercise," that's it.
My ex is about to start a clinical trial for Crohn's. They're going to give him a pill that may or may not contain hookworms. Apparently there has been some success with staving off autoimmune disorders like Crohn's by giving your immune system a real threat to deal with. Anyway, if your husband isn't too squicky…
I know the feeling! Pushups are so hard but they only get easier if you keep doing them. That's the only way I can keep going: knowing that starting over will be even worse.
I find the only way to really keep it up is to have a reason to be in shape. Like if you join a recreational sports league, where the competition isn't so fierce that you feel bad about yourself for not being incredibly good but enough motivation to want to stay in shape to be better. It also has the bonus social…
The only thing I can think is you have two options.
I'm keeping an eye cocked for an answer here. I tend to drop out around then, too. The discouraging event is often low-grade injury.
It always strikes me as these people thanking god for saving them. What about the people he didn't save? Is that really a god you want? The woman whose little dog turned up, "My prayers were answered"... that was nice of your god to save your little dog but destroy your town and kill all those little children in…
Anyone think Blitzer just assumed she was religious because she was from Oklahoma?
This isn't the point of this article, but I actually think she was very polite and charming in a way few people would be after losing their home. She could have very well said, "I don't thank "The Lord" because he/she/it doesn't exist, but even if "The Lord" did exist, he/she/it is an asshole who allowed dozens of my…
I feel like Blitzer assumes people in that part of the country are all Jesus-y and especially assumed so with a polite young woman and her sweet son who had just lost their home. He was so patronizing and not the least apologetic for putting her on the spot right after LOSING HER HOUSE!
This was clearly very awkward for both of them. There's no reason for it to turn into the media circus that it's become.
The thing I find most obnoxious about this is Wolf Blitzer's blithering assumption that because he's in the Bible Belt, he has to make religion/faith the focus of his interview. He would not have asked that question in, say, Wisconsin, or Maine, or probably even North Dakota. He would have simply interviewed the…
DRINKING GAME: Take a shot every time Glenn Beck says the word "nefarious"!
Rebecca Vitsmun was very gracious and I'm glad she and her family are safe.
I always find things like this totally unbelievable. An interaction like this just wouldn't happen in Canada on TV. It seems in the US, or at least the parts of it with the most news coverage, people really like to be in your face with their beliefs. It's weird. Up here, no one really cares, or feels the need to push…