formerly skittish

Add me to the list.

Wahhh! I loved Intervention! All sober alcoholics and drug addicts love Intervention! Okay, maybe not all of us, but this particular alcoholic is going to miss it. It reminds me of why I stopped, and as the sober years go along, that's harder to remember.

I hope they show this in high schools, because even the darkest (supposed) anti-drug movie always ends up glamourizing drug use. Even Trainspotting and Requiem for a Dream feature beautiful people and flashy injection sequences, though coke in movies is probably the worst. But no one sane is watching Intervention and

We always joke here in Newport that the Office Max on West Main Rd. went out of business because the Huffer got sober.

I used to love this show but quit watching it after the episode with the dude who was a basketball player-turned-heroin addict. There was a part at the end where he appeared to be sober and heading down the right track.. he was sitting there with his daughters saying how he did this for them, and that they were the

There's a Canadian version?!?!?


Same here, except I'd get stoned outta mind.

Awww, I loved Intervention. If nothing else, it helped me put my own life into perspective (no, obsidian05, you are not the worst person on earth and your life is not over; buck up, at least you don't have meth-face!!)

Actually, I found it useful! I watched it with my teenage daughter and we would talk about drugs, and the bad decisions that can be made under the influence. I think it helped us talk about things parents NEED to talk about with their children. I think people don't want to talk to kids about drugs and sex because it

"This would probably be an inappropriate time to make a joke about addicts of the show trying to figure out where to get their fix now..."

Is just the US version canceled or the Canadian version as well?


I always got fucked up while watching Intervention. Good times.

Me too. That was a good episode. I love any addiction show about meth. That drug, for some reason, is natural comedy when its users appear on-screen. RIP Intervention. I knew you almost too well.

This show is super addicting. Although I think I'm doing it wrong because I see them drinking and I'm like, that reminds me, I want a glass of wine. And then I sit and drink while watching a show about people who have destroyed their lives with drugs and alcohol.

No! At least do a closeout update show, cause I'm dying to find out what happened to Cristy, the meth addict that fought her sister while buck naked outdoors. Anyone else remember her?

Shows like this get cancelled, shows like Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty get acclaim and 20 seasons and various spin offs.

I wonder how much of this has to do with the fact that everyone knows it's Intervention now, and not just "a documentary about addiction."