formerly skittish

He is soooo booooring. I got Mr. KittenBasket into Veronica Mars this spring, and about halfway through the third episode, he goes, "Why do they only cast bland, not good-looking guys as the richies? I can't tell any of those fuckers apart."

Thank you for keeping it real. HOW ELSE WILL VERONICA KNOW TO CHECK HERSELF BEFORE SHE WRECKS HERSELF?! We need Wallace, Rob Thomas. We NEED him.

Also: if the dispatcher tells you to make sure the person is really dead, this does not mean finish them off and come back to the phone. Just FYI.


Right? I'm in the southeast, and we are stinking covered in wild rabbits around here.

You're friends with Isa Chandra Moskowitz? Eeee, this is even better than the bunny

This. Thisthisthisthisthis.

After reading this story I'm going to have to start playing a game called "What's in Your Shed?" with my neighbours. You play by running up to your neighbour and screaming WHAT'S IN YOUR SHED?!?! Oh, power tools. Cool, bro. Just checking for kidnapped women, you know how it is.

As a side note, Plan B will be available only to those responsible matrons over the age of 83 who can provide 4 forms of government identification as well as notarized proof of married non-sluttiness. One (1) goat sacrifice will be required.

I'll let ATIAC speak for me:

The last book in the series will be out this week, and then I'm finally FREE!!!! At this point, after 13 craptacular books, I hope they all die, yet I can't NOT read it.

Agreed! As a nurse, I've seen many patients coming in for one thing (vomiting) and end up having something else entirely (kidney failure). Had this included a CBC, urinalysis, and basic metabolic panel, is be way less nervous and skeptical about this concept. I foresee lawsuits from patients and pt families in their

I sat there with her through the depression and the suicidal thoughts..

They're 13-year-old boys. The girls could be wearing snowsuits and the boys would be "distracted."

Can someone please point me to the forms I need to fill out in order to take both of them home with me?

1) Save baby fox. 2.) Love it so much you want to keep it. 3.) Be like, "Nah bro, it's better to be in a preserve. It's not right to lock up a wild animal."

Time out:

Because a "z-pack" is NOT recommended as empiric therapy for sinus infections. Augmentin (amoxicillin-clavulanate) is, due to the high prevalence of macrolide-resistant S. Pneumoniae.

It really doesn't "empower" any "marginalized" people if you have to be employed with insurance to use it...

Not even going to touch all the problems I'm having with the racism. What I am going to touch is how poor people cannot afford a goddamn baby. I was so poor I couldn't eat. I am so poor I have trouble eating. I am so poor I have to choose between keeping my apartment and buying anything I don't immediately require. So