They have time to go after this kind of thing, but no time at all to prosecute Wall Street and the people who destroyed our economy.
They have time to go after this kind of thing, but no time at all to prosecute Wall Street and the people who destroyed our economy.
I've been veggie for the past two years (I'm 20) but even before that when I was in primary school I only ate the vegetarian food because my mum didn't trust their meat.
One word (or is it two???) EAR PLUGS!!!! They have saved my relationship.
I can't help it: this is just stupid!! Why put drugs in your vagina? WHY? I just sounds painful and burny and almost certainly would lead to an infection of some kind. I mean, one of the ladies already HAD yeast infection, and yet she stuck some foreign substance in her hoo-ha (yea I call it that sometimes, don't…
I went on an 8 mile run today, and all I could think about was those runners and the bomber. I thought about how scary it must have been for those people at the finish line and how awful it is to bomb an event that is based on tenacity and drive. I thought "man fuck you, you don't fuck with runners." You don't fuck…
It annoys me that newspapers won't actually print all of the words. We're all grown-ups, you can use "foul language" if that's what was really said. Now I'll never know if she called him a fucker or a shithead or a cunt. Or what else? What could it have been? Dammit, Boston Herald!
This coach actually saw the photos and tapes of the rape. He made the players erase them and then got his friend the Sheriff to "lose" the other evidence against them. It's exactly like Penn State. Put the football program ahead of the victim.
I'm thinking Republican Ethnic Slur Bingo.
She's saying that both the Penn State incident and Steubenville incident exemplify a particular problem in our culture. She's not saying that they are exactly the same as each other.
I was in my late twenties before I finally shook off my existential anxiety. I finally realized that there is no God, nothing I do matters, I am only responsible for myself and I have nothing to prove. It was VERY liberating after a Christian upbringing. I feel light just thinking about it.
For now on when somebody makes a compelling point that is worth discussing I'm gonna just dismissively shake my head and say, "Nope that's like comparing apples and oranges." That'll show them! Institutions valuing the athletic program and it's iconic coach over rape victims? STFU!! APPLES AND ORANGES DAMMIT!!!
No, it kind of is, what with all the rape and the football and the cover-up and the defense of the people who covered it up and all.
It's exactly like that.
Not quite equivalent. Here's how we can make his experience more closely resemble that of a woman:
I'd send the response card back. I'd send it back with "HAHAHAHAHAHA FUCK NO" written on it. I'd take a bite out of the corner and write "OMG, sorry! SO HUNGRY!" below it. Then I'd draw a dick on it. Because I'm mature.
Can this be next year's March Madness competition?
I spoil my cats WAY more than I ever spoil my children, who are 12 and 15 now. It's harder to resist the furry ones, for some reason. My kids never got away with anything! I'm definitely a sister in crazy cat lady-hood.
Only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful
One thing that I tend to do, especially with electronics that I want to sell on craigslist/ebay etc. is that when I take a picture of the object to be sold, I place an index card in the picture with my email address or username. This adds a bit of credibility, showing that you at least have the object you are selling.