
What would LJK Setright say if he were alive?

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Not to be confused with the “donk” music genre of 2008, where “Put A Donk On It” had a completely different meaning.

In an alternate universe, this would have been called the Studebaker 117, or possibly something in line with earlier models. Silver Lark, anyone?

Will we see the return of the all-important SCUM BUM?

Raise your hand if you read “a Swiss company” and were expecting either Rinspeed or Sbarro

It's still possible that "a very different sort of take" on the companion could mean that for Season 10, there won't be a permanent companion, but rather a series of guest appearances by former companions to help celebrate the show's milestone.

Another factor to consider, along with your very good recommendations, is that S10 will undoubtedly be a special anniversary edition of the revived show. It probably wouldn't make sense to give a new showrunner the reins at that time. And since S9 has established that the Doctor is learning how to say goodbye, or how

Now that I know that Moffat was going to leave at the end of this episode, it also puts a lot of S9 into perspective. To wit:

Just heard the beginning, and I'm having ELP flashbacks.
Where's that bottle?

See, when I read "first movement from Pictures at an Exhibition played on a synth," I start thinking of Emerson, Lake & Palmer. I'm at work and can't get to this, but if Cicieraga managed to sneak in ELP with the rest of the dreck from Smash Mouth…I may have to buy him a drink. And reserve the bottle to break over a

Fun fact: the woman of interest in the "Ebony Eyes" video is a teenaged Valerie Bertinelli.

Fun fact: the woman of interest in the "Ebony Eyes" video is a teenaged Valerie Bertinelli.

I can't defend Six's outfit, but…
The early Sylvester McCoy episodes with Mel, including "Delta and the Bannermen," were worse than Colin Baker's first season. McCoy's Doctor improved greatly when he met Ace, and for me, Colin Baker partially redeemed himself with "Trial of a Time Lord" in spite of the fact that that