
Far be it from me to defend Scandal (part of the appeal is that it's ridiculous) but … they were divorced at the point, no? I'm like 99% sure they had signed the papers by then.

… Yeah that's … Actually literally what my comment alluded to.

… That wasn't the same song though.

… I feel like everyone else caught on to it …

Oh good Lord, I'm glad I'm not the one who feels actual anxiety and terror at the sight of him now. If I hadn't watched all of True Blood and had a prior knowledge of him, I don't think I could ever watch him again after this. It's a terrifying mix of his slight accent, the fact that he's 6'4", the way he moves, the

The binoculars definitely belong to the detective, there's an interview with Valle (the director) saying as much. As for the rest … I honestly never noticed it.

So … is Chekhov's Gun dead? And should it be replaced with Chekhov's Yellow Caution Taped Staircase Under Construction?


Sorry, UChicago is the Harvard of the Midwest.

You need to change. You deserve clean things.

See … in my opinion there's a difference between "old" and "filthy." Some things are old, some thing are filthy, and some things are old and filthy. I've been to friends places in NYC and while they're old, they're definitely NOT filthy.

I'm wary about this … I dislike when writers use pregnancy and rape as catalysts for change in women characters. I'm also pretty uncomfortable with Hannah being the pregnant one — honestly I think it might've been more interesting with Jessa. BUT hell, I'm along for the ride.

You're right in that Jessa is genuinely awful. She's not effing around with it, she really commits.

EXACT same thing happened to me: didn't have HBO while everyone was raving about the show and recently got HBOGo to finally get caught up on Game of Thrones. After finishing that the only logical thing to do is give in and watch The Wire.

OMG Idaho and Montana. Montana … so close to Canada, yet so far away. And Idaho the answer is yes.

To the contrary; it's all that damn sunshine and beauty that makes them wonder. I mean there are only so many times you can get up, look out the window and go, "Damn! Another perfect day in paradise!"

I do not support this. I started watching it on Hulu last week once I knew it was cancelled because I knew my time investment would be minimal and also because I don't like viable relationships! If they revive it, I'll have to commit or quit …

How dare you disrespect Redneck Island and Party Down South

This argument may have worked 15 years ago but it doesn't hold water anymore. The fact of the matter is that far more shows are available through the internet, streaming services and YouTube than on a physical television set with cable access.

Does anyone else think Apocalypse bears a striking resemblance to The Judge from Season 2 of Buffy?