
Not true. I for one haven't watched in weeks - I just read the recaps to see what I've missed - and this is the same case with many people I know. I contemplate catching up on the back half of this season via Hulu this summer and returning in the fall if it got any better, but this is telling me my instincts are

… Does it really matter?

It's not hard at all to determine when this show went south. The precise moment is when Shonda decided to fuse elements of "Alias" with Scandal and try to make Olivia's backstory a dark, twisty, ABSURD story about super secret spies. I am 100% that in the future we as a society are going to swap, "Jumping the shark"

THIS. Daddy Lessons is fucking country song … and it's a good one. I almost want her to enter it on the Billboard Country chart (is that how that works) to see what happens … because I've now seen about half the reviews referring to it as blues when it's really not.

I've been trying to figure out why exactly Lena Dunham & the whole Girls experiment turns me so off but I can sit and watch multiple episodes of Broad City and laugh out loud.

You forgot that they did this by inexplicably having the ENTIRE SECRET SERVICE turn on the President and effectively hold him hostage in the White House so he couldn't even tell anyone he was being held hostage.

I'm curious … have you watched the show from the very beginning?

I really hope that Shonda writes in a therapist

Abby: "David and I can't, we don't have any money."
Cyrus: "Enh, you're Democrats."

The crazy thing is, she wasn't always written that way. In the very beginning she was supposed to be cold and detached … she didn't give a rat's ass that Fitz was cheating and theirs was clearly a marriage of convenience. It was the mechanism the writers used to keep Liv sympathetic in the first season … but at some

Mmmm … pretty sure he threw that petulant "You left ME," temper tantrum on Episode 1 when he was trying to explain the affair with Amanda Tanner and guilt Liv into coming back to him. And let's not forget that drunken time he felt up (pretty damn aggressively) Liv in the elevator before being elected and wouldn't take

Jokes on you, that was last season.

I think you may be projecting here. No one's saying women aren't supposed to fight back or that we should rise above and I really don't see that as being the underlying reason that people are disappointed in this episode.

It's not so much WHO it happened to but WHO did it. Since the beginning of the show, Olivia has been characterized as being mostly well meaning, even when doing shady things. Her motivations were never wrong per se. But lately the writers have tried to make her into a more provocative anti-heroine just for shock value

Yes and no. Quinn is allowed to be as deplorable and icky as she wants … because that's in line with her character. The backlash regarding Olivia's actions is less because she's a woman and more because that's not in line with how her character was written for nearly 5 years. You cannot suddenly change a character's

Yeah, her campaign slogan should honestly just be, "It's My Turn 2016"

I wonder if it does truly have to do with generations & life cycles: Boomers were born before 1964 … meaning their formative years in life were spent without actual, legalized, equal protection under the law and politicians who openly despised and degraded black people.

Literaaaaaaaaaallly snorted at my desk.

Honestly, you have to remember that A LOT of people don't see the GOP as being petty. How many people & pundits are in awe at the true state of the Republican party, as demonstrated by Trump's dominance in the primaries? Many.

I don't see it as teaching a lesson. And one could argue pretty convincingly that this IS for the good of his constituents (which is everybody) by exposing the petty, partisan rancor during an election year when voters would use this as the impetus to vote these people out.