
Well not exactly. They've already explicitly said they won't confirm anyone to the Supreme Court so why NOT nominate someone who looks so good to them that they might consider walking back from their threat. They're damned if they do damned if they don't.

Yep, just googled him at work. Thanks.

I 100% appreciate Donald Trump. Finally we have physical, undeniable, indisputable, incontrovertible truth that the majority of Republican voters* are in fact racist and that GOP politicians have been pandering to them with coded language and dog-whistles for the last 70 years or so.


Your smart, intellectual black friends actually just called and wanted me to tell you that they do not in fact like you.

I'd like to take a moment to shout out the Sanders & Clinton campaign staffers assigned to go through these comments and translate them for their respective candidate.

Gonna have to vouch for number 1 & 10 … mainly because after MUCH contemplation (I'm talking like since, last July) I'm going to conduct an experiment and invite a white friend who claims to be down in terms of understanding privilege, racism, etc. to Taco Tuesday with my girls. Margaritas will be flowing and we will

Honestly, I'm thinking that might be why they're releasing it now. The project's been floundering in post-development for about 2 years because no one wanted to distribute it. It looks like someone is betting all the talk of whitewashing in Hollywood will drum up publicity and at least a few more tickets sold than if

So, no mention of the fact that all these characters are African … but played by white people?

I need clarification from Jamal: Was this 10 adult years or more like, "We got together sophomore year in high school and now we're 25"? Because if it's the latter, then this is probably just the natural breaking point of your relationship.

I think it's less his name and hue and more that he's spent an entire decade with the same woman and couldn't bring himself to admit that she was "The One."

… Is Stacy still coming to the meetings?

I mean … you kind of just disagreed with me, you didn't actually offer anything to refute what I said … so that was pretty null.

Love it. Just might repost it! #Followed

Thank you

I gotta add one of my favorite parts of the song:

* See Elvis through Vanilla Ice through Bieber.

Agreed. If I were to base an assessment on America's readiness just on Twitter, IG and my friends/family … then I'd say yes.

Which makes the fact that he seems fairly unbothered by it even better. We've seen the man literally brush his shoulders off and dare people to pop off.