
I did not know that! Love it.

Oh man, this trailer looked so much better 5 beers in and surrounded by friends eating crappy food during a football game.

I mean I'm with you on that. The only reason I harbor hope right now is because I think Shonda realized that the show has gotten away from her original vision in a very bad way. She's mentioned that the plane crash in Grey's (and the character deaths that resulted) were her way of reclaiming the show and correcting

Well … they're getting close to it. Fitz's political career is over since he's damn near been impeached and Olivia's reputation is shot now that she's basically been "The President's Girlfriend" … and they both are realizing they don't actually want each other.

The reaction to this episode has been fascinating. I had one friend who outright REFUSED to believe that what actually happened was an abortion. At first she said it was an unknown medical procedure, then she swore that the doctors were evacuating the remnants of a miscarriage. She was totally uncomfortable with the

Watch the Adele-James Corden Car Karaoke segment. There's some flavor there. Check the nails and mad side-eye she gives.

YES. OH MY GOD YES. I WAS JUSSSST SAYING THIS TO SOMEONE WHO DID NOT UNDERSTAND. Ok, I'll cease with the caps now but I am so excited to see other people know/understand the concept. Being "superhuman" is harmful because it means you are still NOT HUMAN.


I don't think you're missing anything … Alex and Ryan are supposed to have a deep, intense, connected romance; but they don't. For one I think Ryan was miscast and (although she's gorgeous and not a bad actress) I don't think Priyanka really nails emotional scenes.

Enh. I'm a feminist woman and still find myself mesmerized by how strikingly beautiful Priyanka Chopra is. I mean … it's kind of like you can't stop staring. I think the ratios of her face must be perfect or something close to it.

"Agent Needs to Clear His Throat"
Lmaoooooo. You're not wrong.

I'm sorry but I just disagree.

Completely agree. People love Taraji & Terrence together, and it was the flashiest new thing in the dead of winter. But it was never good.

As someone who avoided Empire during it's live run last winter and then binge-watched late this summer, I have to admit I'm confused: Empire has ALWAYS been this outlandish, ridiculous, break-neck story with almost no stakes and pretty minimal character development (except when it came to Jamal and Cookie) — I figured

The CHARACTERS lasted through several episodes, but their stories didn't … Lola was only mentioned in like two of those four episodes she was technically in.

"Homeland, The Leftovers…"


Technically yes, realistically …. it almost never happens. And would never happen for a "terrorist responsible for biggest attack since 9/11."

I think the show might finally have lost me. There's barely enough legal room to maneuver a falsified arrest and charges being filed against a person who the bureau doesn't believe actually committed the crime. For Alex to ACTUALLY PLEAD GUILTY is insane.

I love this show, but will admit this episode was more unsettling (in a not very serious way) than funny. For a comedy, it makes sense for there to be a balance between funny situations and real life drama & this episode was a little heavy on the real life. Yes, Danny was grating … I was actually pretty sure he was