
Well, Missouri just got one.

Hmm. Well I'm 25 too … And I feel like I've seen quite a bit of Friends in syndication … But not many of the people I know have. And the ones who did (plus myself) honestly didn't pay enough attention to notice if a current show recycled a plot line. And honestly, we're probably the youngest ones to have really

So … I think a good portion of TMP audience wasn't watching Friends when it aired and probably won't recognize any recycled story lines.

It was formed right after the original members returned from Vietnam. Plus, Jax was "born into the club" meaning his Dad was thoroughly a part of it, and he was born in 1978.

YES. Yes, yes, yes.

I 100% agree that Sutter seems to not have a good grasp on how his characters have come across the last few seasons and how we view them. Jax's actions seem so totally off from where I thought they would be.

Yeah, she did a good job mimicking the lilt in Tara's voice and even worked her eyebrows a bit.

Is Abel even 5? I think he's barely 4 in the show's time … If he were 5 that would make Thomas 3 or 4 since they're barely 15 months apart.

AFTER one of the doctors on staff is brutally murdered for her connection to them. Obviously they can't afford security.