
But think of it this way: sometimes the truly unhinged appear competent and even brilliant for a little bit. That is until something snaps and they lose it. That's how I view Cersei right now: she's wily and winning in this moment, but soon she will do something "unimaginable" (to borrow Olenna's words). Truly

I definitely read this as "Josh Groban to lend his PIPE to Season 3" … which I was not disappointed at.

Next level irony: me in my living room talking over Sam going, "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP AND LET HER SPEAK."

I think a few episodes of the last couple seasons of Scandal earned Fs. Deservedly so.

Enh … showing up to her job. Taking her to the studio (MAJOR side eye we all know what that is) … I don't disagree that in regards to her relationship Issa made her bed and should suffer the consequences. But Daniel willing went along with the messiness.

Really all I want to see now is a CGI direwolf riding on a CGI dragon next to the King in the North.

So glad Boss Lady isn't in anything else, she's an awful actress. I've been wondering if/when Nina would show up, I love that Tiffany is loosely based on her but turned into a friend. Shout out to her for writing Girl's Trip though!

Um, what? I think it was just supposed to be awkward … I'm not even sure what substance you're talking about.

You mean Rod from Get Out?

Yeah, saw this coming.

*our uncle


Um … yeah. The media just moved on. It's definitely "still a thing."

I can't believe it's been a year since the first season! Which may be because I periodically rewatch the entire thing on HBOGo…

This. Also it seemed as though he and Molly were friends last season which probably makes this suck even more.

I mean … she did use him.

Wait, what? Why??

Lena's actually said that she pitched Hannah's pregnancy to Jenni & Judd back in Season 2 and that's just how she'd planned on ending the story since then.

Dude this news is like five years old at this point. I think he beat her and then threatened to commit murder/suicide or something similar.

And ain't nobody in life ever had "weekly perms" and still had hair.