The Retiree

I didn’t get the mailer, but I should TOTALLY jump on that Chevy 72 Hour Sale going on right now! Supplies might not last on these current model-year, current-production, mainstream, high-volume, low-content, base-trim vehicles!

And browner.

remember when the kids just put in those blue dots and caused the light to be purple? At least they could still be seen.

Why saggy pants won’t fucking die, why should smoked lights be any different?

I loved me some GTS light covers in the 90’s. I do think they improved the look of the headlamps on my 4th gen Camaro with the small sealed beams that were tucked way back

I double dog dare you to show me a new car that’s uglier than that green thing.

Why mod a V6 when you could swap in a V8?

I thought this ‘90s trend had died out by the time the early ‘00s rolled around. Guess not?

Smoked lights are one of my biggest pet peeves. It’s not like the brake and tail lights were designed for the visibility of other drivers at all anyway!

SO LONG AS.... whatever given infotainment system I use, is given the ability to project my phone’s screen to the infotainment screen (Apple OR Android), I couldn’t give a rat’s ass WHAT the infotainment system setup is like. Slap some redundant physical climate control buttons below the screen, and I’m a happy camper.

so sticker price was 96k.

Also, the Government announced that if Snowden were to return he could eat a great big pile of Roadrunner Seed that they left out for him.

This is wrong and has been disproved thoroughly.

I despise how well pickups keep their value.

Ooh I think that’s a V6 Tempo, rare bird. Never driven one, but the first thing I think is “torque steer”.

I present to you a 2008 Cadillac STS. The milage is high but it’s clean. You get a 4.6L V8, all-wheel drive, and-all day comfort. Take a look for yourself.