I voted CP, drop 3 grand and get rid of that craptastic video monitors and most audio components in the trunk and you got a deal.
I voted CP, drop 3 grand and get rid of that craptastic video monitors and most audio components in the trunk and you got a deal.
I guess you don’t fear little boy jail when you’re already in little boy hell.
This wouldn’t have happened in Pawnee.
We went from a $160/month (that’s even after discounts...) Verizon bill, to a $95 month cell phone bill. And that’s because there’s still 2 weeks left on my husband’s StraightTalk plan for this month. Once that’s up, I add him to my Cricket plan for $10 a month then upgrade from 5GB to 10GB of shared data, for an…
Can confirm. Just bought three used cars in the past 12 months. Was very annoyed at pricing. Especially Hondas (seems like they are priced like “wrapped in platinum encrusted Unicorn tears”).
Bonus - used car pricing paid off when selling. Still, annoying.
Car prices are rising with inflation.
Nice work, Iceman!
Dude, you are the first person to intelligently comment. THANK YOU. And, i’ve got to wholeheartedly agree. The H6’s are BAD. I drove a 3.0R once upon a time and I was floored (literally).
The EJ25 was a versatile engine, because it was basically one of only three possible engines in the NA Subaru market, for a long number of years (EJ NA and Turbo, EZ H6) until the FA/FB series took over. So if it blew it’s head gasket, or blew up because your heater core plugged and there’s no good bypass system for…
Pope Francis, AKA “Cool” Pope Francis, is known for such courageous exploits as saying evolution is real and…
I still have PTSD from owning a QR25 Spec V. Stupid precat....