The Retiree

My husband and I joked about this yesterday. I reminded him of the old Lexus commercials, and he rolled his eyes and nodded knowingly.

To which I remarked: "Kind of funny to show up with a brand new car in the driveway, when we share finances. I think that would finally be the day that you kill me".

He proceeded to

Leave the traction control on?

I'm all for enjoying what you earned. But something I get sickened by the excess of the rich. Just... ugh fuck em.

Funny this Volvo showed up today, as I was at one of my work clients yesterday and found this awesome mousepad at one of their workstations....

No. Go back into the tunnel from which you came and stay there.

No surprises there.

Isn't there a difference, though, between a "Summer Tire" and an "All Season Tire" ? I'm pretty sure there is.

Pedantic Item: I'm confident of one thing, though... the Forester would have All-Seasons standard, especially if it's a non-turbo. I'm quite sure the vehicle in question in the video, is an XS. Which is a

Aaaand if the Subaru was on snow tires, it would walk away. And if the M3 was on summer tires, it wouldn't move an inch.

Maybe we should ask someone who owned one what's it like.

Seems like it would save them both time and money to just get it right the first time.

That's a solid choice. Good on her. If it were me I would have gotten one of the old ugly hi-rider models, but with 90 mill, who can blame her for going brand-new?

Pardon me if I don't shed a tear because some oil sheik isn't able to buy this year's model of private business jet.

Suddenly I'm much more interested in Indy Car.

This is what happens in a country where life doesn't mean anything.


You suck Michigan!