Haha, wow. Enjoy your next crash everyone. This is TOTALLY sustainable.
I disagree x5 with the Taurus. My bf's family has 3 of them. All of them dead from electronics issues & drivetrain issues. I stay away from Ford for that reason alone.
The Taurus??? Really? Aside from anecdotal evidence, WHERE is anyone getting the idea that those things WERE reliable? I say WERE - as in "past tense" - they are NOT a common sight on the roads anywhere, they're all falling apart. I tried to find any possible evidence which might make my own experiences with…
Dear please Mother of God. Build It looking the like Elmiraj.
So someone, somewhere, IS writing a review of the manual-equipped Ecoboost with performance pack? Quick! To the Googles!
Those plastic pieces of shit actually have a decently good use:
I take them off, turn them around, and bolt them back on to the back of the plate, backward, facing in. Therefore acting as a shim and a buffer so the plate sits more snugly against the body and prevents the plate from rattling and smacking when driving or…
Your comments section isn't empty because we're not reading your post, we all just love wagons so much that none of us could think of a single one.
I'll tell you when I first realized that we have a serious problem. It was just a few days ago, when I came up…
Please STFU. Every once in a while, a spanking is necessary. I've been lucky; my daughter is three and some change and I've never had to hit her until once, a few weeks ago. Sometimes, corporal punishment is needed and can be effective as long as you follow three rules:
Let me get this straight.
Some field work involves driving huge distances on a regular basis. Such work is not conducive to a lease. It's especially bad because field work can tend to be less predictable than regular work. One week you might only drive a few dozen or hundred miles, and then the next you could drive hundreds or thousands. Not a…
Neutral: Because when a car company historically gives you less to worry about, you're not as mad when something does happen (read: Honda reliability)