The Retiree

It’s turned into Roblox Rogue

Yep. Even in the SF Bay Area, everyone is acting the same. Went grocery and essentials shopping this weekend, and most people stopped with distancing. They still had masks on, but likely only because Target here still denies entry unless you have one. But I have seen plenty of masks worn improperly, or coming off.

The car market is going to constantly shift for the forseeable future, for the simple fact that everything going on right now (Coronavirus, BLM, Political Tomfoolery, international tensions, etc) is pretty unpredictable and almost impossible for most to model any predictions upon. Though the used car market being in

Instead of conjecture and GUESSING how much the Supercharger costs, I went directly to the Jackson Racing site.

I nearly bought a ‘94 GT, back in ‘98. Was actually a pretty fun snappy car

Yeah. I was a newcomer during the height of the Ray Wert Dynasty, and been pretty much a daily reader (and ALSO a Star Commenter!) since then.

They do actually have something of a point. Though I was a “late-r comer” to the site (started cruising Jalop during the heat of the Ray Wert Dynasty) I’ve watched it’s decline ever since. I’m not AS especially salty about the Kinja Awakening/Great Star Removal, but I do miss being a Starred commenter. Ever since

Certain herbs smell good, yeah. And I’d be happy to smoke one or two down with ya’ll. Haha.  But this Herb? nah. He’s rancid AF.

Ahhh, the smell of burnt Herb

yeah, looks like I got quite the rise out of everyone too

Yeah, that joke is old and outdated, man.

Yet you can get a Hyundai for around $25K (or less, depending), with Bluelink connectivity to do all of those things and then some.

You’d be amazed how, after 30+ years of computer prominence in the workplace, how many people don’t do/forget this step.

I think it’s a damned shame considering there was such a brouhaha over this Taxi Van Deathmatch, a few years back. The Nissan got the controversial win. Now they’re like “nope, we’re out”.

All things considered, it’s a pretty common and unremarkable car, with a boaty suspension, one of the last outliers with an ancient 4-speed automatic (though one of the first cars to have full-on traction control, which was pretty advanced for the time) from 22+ years ago. Though that being said, I have a semi-soft

Funny enough, Hyundai’s logic for their lineup is much the same, recently; they said that they are doing away with the “corporate face” (their iteration of the trapezoidal grille which, in the US anyway, didn’t really get far off the ground before getting binned), and looking more to giving each vehicle its own

Attention Website Designers: It has happened.

Just another reason why more than ever, people need to pay attention to more than just the Presidential Primaries/Election alone. Other gov’t elections, down to the local level, need to be paid attention to as well.

They gonna ditch that beam axle in the back too?