
There’s doing something stupid and then there’s doing something INTENTIONALLY stupid. If that were my kid, he would have received the dressing down that McElwain gave that kid. The kid showed zero class and cost his team a penalty. He didn’t hit him. It looks to me like this coach just did what he needed to do.

I’ve always thought they got screwed over by this. My wife was a fan and through constant exposure, I grew to really respect them as songwriters and musicians. Everybody had such stars and stripes in their eyes that the vast majority of people didn’t understand that this war was wrong. The DC had the balls to say it.

Is that right? I thought the Patriots just suspended them. This makes sense why’d they ask the NFL for a reinstatement.

Waves. I’m at a beach, usually with the family, and we’re watching some big surf. Then a swell starts way out and I watch in horror as it grows into a monstrous 100-foot wave and I know there’s nothing I can do about it. Then I wake up.

I don’t even try. I just paid $300 for a tune-up. It’s the same with any of the turbo 2.5’s

As a huge Buckeye fan (not alumni, but all three of my kids go there, so I’m paying enough to be alumni), last year was just a dream. After week 2, there really wasn’t any hope of reaching the playoffs, so you just got to relax and enjoy each game as they came. And you watched as the O-line gelled, and JT progressed,

So much that they leave them in the car?

Somebody got a new slo-mo camera, didn’t they, Randy?


That is exactly why Ohio State was so much fun last year. This year instead of “I think they can” we’re “Oh, God, I hope they don’t fuck up”.

AS a diehard OSU fan (not an alumni but all three of my kids go there, so I’m spending enough to BE an alumni), the relationship between OSU and MSU is not hatred, like TTUN, but respect. There’s hardly any trash talk between the teams, just a dead seriousness that both want to win that game. Last year was a great

You want to go back to Leaders and Legends? That was a fucking embarrassment.


so close. so goddamned close.

Thanks, Yoko. I just whispered “poop” to a co-worker.

I counted exactly zero brown people in all three videos.

I only got to 4. Oregon State, UNLV, Northwestern, Indiana. They get Rutgers at home, so there’s maybe a fifth. I don’t see them getting to a bowl.

Here’s the thing: Even during the Hoke years, Michigan plays Ohio State HARD. I’m an OSU fan and the game this year, at the big house, after what will be a grueling game with MSU is set up as a huge trap game.

When I think about you, I touch myself.