
And where the hell is Bubsy?

Isn’t part of the joke that the 14th year anniversary isn’t typically recognized? So why would Crash’s 14th be different from any other franchise’s 14th?

Gail had her turn already. Her Wonder Woman run didn’t exactly set the world on fire.

I don’t know who these people are, sorry, but did anyone else look at her picture and think

This is pooliO’s shtick. He either completely misunderstands something or gets really angry for situations that don’t require it. He’s pretty funny once you pick up on his habits.

These are the same folks who piss all over the prequels and then prop up the new flavor of the month.

But the marketing was just incredible! I can’t wait to tell my grandchildren about BB-8's practical effects! Who cares if the movie’s no damn good, this thing is an EVENT! Don’t be a hater; buy some merchandise!

Just be content in the knowledge that marketing and herd mentality doesn’t work quite so well on you. That’s a good thing.


It’s lonely out there, but I agree with you!

It’s a kids show. You’re just not gonna get very deep storytelling from this one. I agree that the potential for really interesting stuff is there, but they’ll only go so far, and the “epic feel” is much more important than truly poignant plot developments.

The one and only question I have is: Do you really consider yourself a Star Wars fan?

Canon go boom. The problem isn’t that it can be done; now the question becomes “why don’t MORE characters do it???”

Yeah, they’re just moving characters around without actually adding to their character. It’s dull stuff and I find it hard to stay interested as an adult.

He sees it. He’s just a spineless fuck who won’t own up to the kind of hate that he promotes.

Thank you. Decent human beings see through this nonsense, and it’s inexcusable.

As long as it’s “content”, some blog will write up a story on it.

How much does your church respect gays, atheists, and mud people?

This nonsense represents your people very well. Keep it up.

You are absolutely rite.