
I think Marvel shit the bed years ago when Bill Jemas bad-mouthed DC. I know he’s moved on, but Quesada has maintained a fratboy level at Marvel since then, and DC’s not exactly eager to collaborate.

A once in a lifetime event, that happened twice.

I think I see what happened here. Evan typed “Punisher” into IMDB’s search box and the internet short Dirty Laundry (2012) shows up in the list under the three movies. In-depth research, in other words.

Another wikipedia article doubling as advertisement. Gotta love modern journalism.

Like him or not, Jericho’s been a consummate professional his entire career. That’s why it bothers me that guys like him don’t have extended roles at the top (no, I’m not satisfied with his world title runs). The whole illusion of WWE’s merit-based system is shattered when the real pros never get what they’re due.

Do you seriously think JJ gives that much of a shit?

Especially that last group of panels.

Nope, that image is from Grant Morrison’s fantastic Multiversity limited series. That’s a version of the yellow fear monster, but not the same as the main canon DC universe. Multiversity is an off-shoot, and this Parallax is the one trapped within the original Hal Jordan.

Give Evan some slack. His job is to promote comics, not learn the details. ;)

I’d say read the rest of that whole volume. War of the Green Lanterns is a good enough stopping point for me. The New 52 volume was, frankly, junk and completely unsatisfying. Just empty crossover after crossover with villains that just didn’t click and extremely basic plotlines. The Robert Venditti stuff that follows

I feel the same way about speedruns that use cheats or coding to beat the best time. There’s nothing impressive about changing the rules.

It’s amazing how quickly this place turned into Youtube.

To Nicole: Learn the difference between to, two, and too. And stop throwing around “haters” as if it’s valid critique.

No sarcasm, your screen name is terrific. Good shit.

You’re the reason why America’s so fucking stupid.

I think you do know what to make of it; you just might not want to admit it. The issues themselves are “hot” right now, but we both know that nothing substantial is going to change. This is pop culture riding the latest social wave without really appreciating it, as usual.

It’s not his honesty that puts people off. It’s his arrogance and his ignorance. He’s not smart, and he’s very loud about it.

NanoRaptor is either trolling or incredibly ignorant. Either way, he’s beyond any kind of help that a forum can provide.


Definitely after DKSA. This takes place a few years after the end of Strikes Again.