
So all that bitching and moaning on twitter he does must be part of his “character”, right? Him boycotting the Grammys unless he won for something he wasn’t nominated for is all just an “act”? Kanye’s a miserable asshole, and he goes out of his way to let everyone else know.

Nope. We only deal with “love” or “hate” as valid opinions. Anything else is tl;dr;not gonna acknowledge.

I (pre)tend to think that I’m a pretty tough guy, but this is genuinely disturbing.

This is why you get paid the big bucks.

“competent”, asshole. People standing up for their rights and equal treatment is the complete opposite of “acting pathetic”. It takes strength to demand what you’re owed as a human being, and jackasses like you certainly don’t make that any easier.

You keep saying that in the face of tons of evidence that proves it untrue. “Geeks” aren’t enlightened intellectuals, so stop assuming that the grievance isn’t real.

“Because, you know... who cares?”

“Being black doesnt automatically make you less privileged than being asian.”

Geeks can be racist assholes too. They’re no more an “intellectual community” than any other. People are people, period.

Yeah, you “give up” after your argument failed.

“Nobody cares”? You’ve read a thread full of people who care. Ignore those people if you want, but don’t tell the rest of us, who actually pay attention, that they don’t exist.

Isn’t it funny how so many use RDJ in Tropic Thunder as a “good” example of blackface, but they completely ignore the plotpoint that the one black character in the movie had a problem with it, and that it’s played as a joke ON blackface?

Hard? lol...

I kinda feel like TJ Miller would have been a better fit for the role of Deadpool.

Sorry Ethan. Comics are just as, if not more than, full of shit as they were when Deadpool hit the scene. As a journalist with inside information (and absolutely for sure NOT a paid promotional tool), you should know this.

I’m 32. I remember the events well, but the show is too trashy for me to give a shit.

I can understand your confusion. LaMarr? Morris? They all look alike, right?

Are you fucking with me? Sarah Paulson’s a beautiful woman.

These days, adults are encouraged to stay children.

Couldn’t be bothered to fix the grammar though, huh? Quality.