
No mention of the great Sega Saturn gems?! Panzer Dragoon Saga, at least!

Fucking fantastic games!

Nice! Can you change the timing on NOPE for it to appear when he hits the red switch?

“Men like this run the world.” And this is why I’m drunk at 7pm.

lol, That’s wild.

I wasn’t blown away either, but a little fanservice goes a long way with these guys...

Yeah buddy... stories can’t ever just “end” anymore. You can’t ever settle on your feelings for them because there’s always another prequel or sequel coming along. It’s a trend that just won’t stop.

All our role model superheroes have childish beef with each other now! That’s the only thing these fratboy employees know how to write!

Don’t let anyone know I laughed at this.

You’re just so interesting!

Did the Virtual Boy sell poorly because gamers are stupid, too?

As if this shit isn’t gonna be wiped out with Rebirth.

I’m hearing bigger and much more complicated words. Words that don’t give me a lot of hope. Your mileage may vary.

“Riddance”. Otherwise, you’re 100% correct.

I know you’re used to hearing this, but it bears repeating: go fuck yourself.

Yep, that’s 1Million Superman, but he’s ancestor Kal Kent, not the Clark that we’re used to. Solaris is also introduced in 1M, and Superman returning from being in the sun and reuniting with the Kryptonians is a huge plot point. If you like Superman, you should enjoy that crossover. Hope you like it!

Gary, I really hope you’ve read DC One Million. Several of the plot elements for All-Star Supes were seeded in that crossover, and you get to see the far-reaching outcome of those elements. It’s a great companion piece to Morrison’s legendary All-Star.

That’s one thousand times more imaginative and creative than anything Marvel or Disney has put out lately related to Star Wars. One thousand times.

Thank you! “We’ll have C-3PO and R2-D2 characters, but this time they’re EVIL!” House of Ideas, my ass.

As an old-school Star Wars fan, I wish I gave a fuck.