
Gotta love the racism too. He's probably all confused at how some "small-dicked Asian guy" can get a wife, especially a White one, while he has to resort to PornHub. It's gotta be because of feminists and liberals, right?

Has she been Halle Berry'ed in that she's been "upgraded" to only co-starring opposite White dudes?

But he DOES care, as evidenced by the fact that he's pissing and moaning about the fact that a small percentage of media is now showing women and minorities.

"No, you see, it's not 'default.' Various races and genders are just more naturally suited for certain types of roles. Like, if we needed a beautiful rape victim to show us how cruel this world is, we'd have used a white girl. Maybe an Asian girl if we couldn't get a really hot white girl. Or if we needed a short,

I have long maintained that for many White dudes like this guy, it's about keeping their monopoly of the spotlight for as long as possible. They throw semi-plausible arguments like "It's just economics" or "It's just demographics" or "Minorities and women just don't step up to the plate," but when all these excuses

Yeah, the guy in the story was a total jerk who got what he deserved. My question was more in general because of the rise of foodie culture and all the class snobbery it entails.

It's not as if steak is a soft drink that's advertised heavily on billboards.

Depending on your income level, is it that unforgivable to not know what filet mignon is?

Hey, those faucets are classy, just like those faucets in Versaylees!

I suppose oil companies are a kind of minority since most Americans aren't employed in the energy sector. *shrugs shoulders*

Does she not understand that the whole reason for the existence of the Konstitutooshun is to MAKE SURE that the majority cannot run roughshod over minorities?

"Wonton sex?" Sounds delicious!

Guess they're going to have to go on their power trip by belittling the salesmen at Foot Locker.

"How DARE these social bottom-of-the-barrel waiters and waitresses get paid a living wage, thereby losing their incentive to have to grovel while serving masters such as myself? If they wanted decent pay, they should've become a finance guy like me!" - Utter douchebag

In the culture we live in, equating a Black female law professor with being a maid is "a reach" in terms of levels of offensiveness? Come on now.

Wait, from which demographic is the racism coming from? Are they mainly coming from White female fans of Edward Cullen or from Black dudes who don't like seeing Black women dating non-Blacks?

I am going to take a wild guess that the People Magazine interndom is not exactly diverse. I bet the Spanish girl (as in Euro Spanish) is as close as it gets to get to a POC there. And she's a blonde.

See Amy Tan

As a guy, these types of messages disturb me greatly because a few years ago, I may very well have been one of those guys. I never went down that path, but I was on the cusp of being very frustrated, and were it not for a series of events that really changed my life and confidence, who knows where I may have ended up?

"Hey! I had a good time, but I don't think we clicked. Thanks for the date, though."