Vitale, Carlesimo, Pitino, Calipari
Vitale, Carlesimo, Pitino, Calipari
Steve Philips choice in lovers speaks volumes to his tenure as Mets GM.
@Bullet_Tooth_Tony: Whatever ESPN's spin is, at least Ben has you working in his behalf.
Is it possible to be friends with a guy who has the same haircut as that giant douche in the UPS commercials? I say no.
Johnny Winter wants to know who the white guy is.
@Juancho: I know, we both have our pet franchises from the Cleve. For me it was the Browns. I still remember watching the game in the living room and hearing my Mom scream curses from where she was watching in the kitchen. Explains a lot, actually.
@Juancho: Come to the dark side, John.
Not even close. It's not like I have the coordinates for LeBron's gravesite programmed into my GPS so I can relieve myself on it when he dies.
More kids keep showing up. I think his wife gave birth twice while he watched the game.
@dont-forget-where-you-came-from-cheese mac: You shouldn't make blanket statements like that.
@Tyson's impetuous style: +1 lack of respect.
@The_International_Poise_Conspi...: It has nothing to do with the odds. It's more a matter of whether or not a sitting president should encourage LeBron to shit all over Cleveland. That is, more than he did in Game 5.
Is this the thread for DUAN?
I feel ya, brother. Our seats were section 11, behind the Indians Bullpen. I remember how we would cheer by grabbing the empty seat on either side of us and banging them up and down. Still have one of those seats in my apartment in NYC.
Ahem. Borderline racist mascots are NOT only found at the World Cup.
We sure he didn't suffocate?
@Katni: Nice.
I cannot even imagine the things you saw when you googled "gay mexicans".
A Heartbreaking Work of Splattering Anus.
@InSinSeer: Really? I hadn't heard anything about that.