formerly Chief Wahoo

Jesu Christo, this is what would happen if The Daily Kos fucked The Onion. No thanks.

@Pete Gaines: Pete I love you man but are we really defending National Review parodies on the 'spin?

It's like a masturbator's remake of The Conversation.

As a longtime East Villager I'm a little confused here. Help me out, Moe, how exactly does one determine the difference between being a "local" and being a "rent control riffraff"? Does the fact that I'm white sway the decision at all?

Delonte West, doubtful, valtrex.

@AuthenticDEEE: Yes, because when they posted the photo that accompanies the article that's clearly the last thing the editors wanted.

If I were a gambling man I'd bet that this site is going to suck today.

And yet somehow Rick Reilly still walks the streets a free man.

Seriously? Beach Volleyball. Put your average hot, oiled, scantily-clad Brazilian woman against your average Bears fan. We done now?

@Gourmet Spud: and if you feud with Marv Alpert you take the ass-licking and then accept the thousands of apologies.

When this reaches it's inevitable ugly conclusion does Buzz release posthumous work for the next ten years like Tupac?

Even better was Mike's anti-Obama rant on todays show. Francesa is getting entertaining as he turns into an old bitch

I don't know, I thought they did a fine job with the '68 convention.

@Chris Hanson's Axe: A combination of respect for Juancho and fear of Carl Monday keeps me out of the liberry.

I have to say that I'm quite impressed that Buzz had the chutzpah to come on the site. Just for that I'll wait til the book is in paperback before shoplifting a copy.

Did you consider going with "Big Daddy Buzz" as a username?


I have heard from reliable sources

Well that settles it then, next year is definitely our year.