
“We don’t believe we invented marriage, we just believe we own the concept of it and get to dictate other peoples’ lives through it.

Might be good to add a sentence describing the consequence of the vulnerability: it can allow hacker to execute malicious code on the users computer.

if marriage is so important to god, why does it impact my tax status?

Good for you! Now can you clear up why Christians have to force their values on everyone else?

Just wanted to clear some things up for you here man: no one takes issue with anything you believe about marriage. We take issue with your belief that you’re called to decide what other people who don’t believe what you believe can and cannot do. Mind your own f-ing business and we’re all good.

Your time to distance numbers are completely different from mine. At 186,000 miles per hour to get to Alpha Centauri at a distance of 4.3 light years, just off the top of my head, we’re looking at earth years in the ball park region of somewhere netween 15,500 to 16,000 years to get to Alpha Centauri, not just 26

Just want to be clear with you man, that’s a delusional excuse.

Its fine if you believe that. Don’t expect anyone else to, though, or try to bar anyone from having a different view of marriage. Not in the U.S.A., anyway, because it violates the principles our nation was founded on.

...Marriage obviously predated the early Christian church. But Christians believe that God had called them into a covenant relationship, or marriage, many thousands of years before this...

>anywhere in the universe

Right, but gay marriage being legal doesn’t mean that the Christian church(es) has to recognize it. They’re welcome to keep being anti-gay within their own walls. The fight against gay marriage, and Cathy’s statement, was about keeping it illegal EVERYWHERE, not just within the church.

What an incredibly stupid story.

Just wanted to clear some things up for you here man. We don’t believe Christianity invented marriage. Marriage obviously predated the early Christian church. But Christians believe that God had called them into a covenant relationship, or marriage, many thousands of years before this, when humanity has just begun.

Cool, so you enforce that on people WHO ARE CHRISTIAN. Stay the FUCK out of everyone else’s business - you have NO fucking right to tell other people they can’t get married, period.

That’s great.  Now why do you believe that everyone else has to follow your beliefs?

I’m atheist, and Richard Dawkins almost converted me to Christianity.

Thats nice, believe whatever garbage you want to believe. Stop trying to force those beliefs on everyone else.

So she puts Chick fil A on equal footing with Christ.

Hang on, I’m confused., Why is trump sending her texts?

It's also pretty ironic that someone at Barstool wouldn't know how to cut and paste