
Miss. is like a problem teenager. It spends 50 percent of its time loudly telling the world that it doesn’t need anyone telling it what to do....and the other 50 percent of the time doing and saying things that prove that, yeah, they kinda DO need the outside world telling them what to do.

This is why I haven’t dated in years. I’ve tried, briefly, to get back out there... and I get no bites from anyone I’d be into. Just weirdos and chubby chasers (who are also weirdos). I am not interested in a relationship with someone who fetishizes my current size or worse, is a “feeder” who would encourage me to get

Boy. He’s sure butthurt about getting shut down for not answering the goddamn question. Here’s a tip, dumbass: when someone asks for an explanation and you start talking about anything else? We all fucking know you are full of shit. So please, stop wasting our time just cause you think you’ll win the dick measuring

Gender inequality does exist and hurts in worse ways for poor people.

Hey Kara, not that you need the opinion of some internet dude, but you may want to introduce some variance into your “Supreme Court of Shade” main image for each article (maybe add the faces of the subjects in question??) I keep seeing these icons and, until today, I thought it was the same article, rather than a

You’re forgetting how much money fox news brings in. They (the Murdoch offspring) might not like it, however that is quantified, but they’ll keep it going as long as it’s still churning out the billion/year it’s shitting out.

i’m a former hoosier too! indianapolis is so lovely.


The most apt description of Indiana I’ve read in a long time.

Indiana is Chicago in the northwest corner, moderate to liberal Indianapolis in the middle, college towns in West Lafayette and Bloomington, and Kentucky everywhere else.

To be clear, Indianapolis has a Democratic mayor and council.

After the meal, Trump made Christie get back to work.

Carlos Santana has spent the last 20+ years making tasteful, expensively produced, profoundly boring music for people who don’t really like music but enjoy shopping and wine. In Adele, he recognizes a kindred spirit.

Damn, this is a fantastic piece, Stassa. Swooning to see Benjamin, Sontag and Eco cited (and linked!) on Jezebel. Actually did an early reading scan for Adorno to see if you’d complete the tetralogy. Just so impressive and should be compulsory reading for anyone discussing fascism on Jez.

Indeed; he does that thing Joe used to do, where he projects his intentions as negative things his opponents want to do. So, when Trump says McCain wants to start World War III, I became concerned...

Like the Grim Reaper forced to act as a midwife.

Isn’t this a failure? If she’s just winking at people like us while it goes over everyone else’s head, what’s the fucking point?

This is awesome. I am curious however, where these pieces were before now.

If you’re gray, you can’t personally ungray anyone. But if you respond and an ungrayed commenter stars your comment, the troll post comes out of the gray as well. That’s why ignoring and dismissing when possible is always the best policy.