This is why I haven’t felt at all virtuous for having always used Lyft instead of Uber. I saw someone I think it was on twitter, say that when you get something cheaper, it’s usually at the cost of labor.
This is why I haven’t felt at all virtuous for having always used Lyft instead of Uber. I saw someone I think it was on twitter, say that when you get something cheaper, it’s usually at the cost of labor.
This! I can’t stand Uber, and they are not for the people at all. Not to mention, they step around any type of regulatory law.
Damn Uber no matter what. Its entire economic system is based around people working full time while not getting any employer benefit. They pitch it as a way for someone to make a couple extra bucks, while perfectly knowing it has become full-time emplyment for a lot of people, who are making way below the living wage.
Exactly. People keep bringing up the WW statistic and ignoring the fact that MORE white men voted for him. Significantly more. And the WW voting for him were still voting for a racist and sexist candidate. Not sure how WW voting for him makes the vote not about racism, sexism, and toxic masculinity.
That would be a great twitter hashtag or tumblr site. “Failed Negging.”
“he gives a voice to repressed conservative thought on American college campuses”
it’s weird to me that the right is constantly crying about how everyone always assumes they are racist and sexist, and then they embrace someone flagrantly racist and sexist as their poster boy and use his heinous speech for an example of how conservative thought is oppressed. like, republicans please just admit that…
You can’t wash a goddamn pillow, this is crazy talk. They get all lumpy and shitty no matter whether you put a goddamn tennis ball in the dryer or periodically fluff them or any of those other hints from Heloise that don’t work. Washing is just a waste of time.
Definition of Cult of Personality
That’s the problem with this country is the Chrispus Attucks. We need to stop these liberal attucks on Chrispus every December and remember to Keep Chrisp in Chrispus.
bernie sanders inscribed ancient sigils on the wisconsin border to keep clinton from campaigning there.
Don’t worry Mondo, Sid’s idea of wit is nothing more than an incisive observation, humorously phrased, and delivered with impeccable timing.
Sure, let’s disenfranchise black voters! That would’ve helped a lot!
Are you seriously blaming others for your own actions? Well. I guess Trump really IS your president.
If people wanted to vote for Bernie so badly, then why did so many more Democrats vote against him? He lost. He lost in vote totals, delegate totals, and any other measure you want to name. What he did do was, he held onto the publicity ladder like grim death and continued to make people like you resent the Party’s…
“This is not about religion—this is about terror and keeping our country safe.”
People are detained for all kinds of reasons and not charged with anything. It’s not state or local police job to check for federal statutes. Listen, you’re obv not familiar with how the legal system works, or with immigration, so take a lap, yeah?
Because there’s a big difference between “breaking the law” and “committing a crime.” It’s against the law to hang an air freshener on your rear view mirror, but a cop who pulls you over can’t arrest you and throw you in jail for it. This is the difference between a civil violation and a crime; both are “breaking the…
The bias for rural white voters is baked in to the electoral college system. Presidential elections will never be fair as long as the EC remains in place.
“Single most flawed candidate ever put forward.” You haven’t taken an American history class, have you?