
A data point for you— on Mirena my periods got shorter every month until they pretty much went away completely with absolutely no other side effects (whereas something like Seasonique would make me a bloated, cranky mess). I next got the Skyla, because it’s a tiny bit smaller and I am a wimp, and I guess the

“teenage boys always want to live with the permissive parent, who is usually the dad, unless there’s severe abuse or a hot girl who lives near mom.

“Today’s’s about to appeeeear. Today’s special, shout it loud and clear!”

Pinwheell!! I can still sing that goddamn sing, ha. And yes, You Can't Do That on Television was my crack.

I can trump these all—nipples burnt. First time on a topless beach in the South of France. #nuditynoob #therewasscabbing

Absolutely, and I think it’s sad that people either don’t know about this option, are too scared of the stigma attached to this issue to seek help, or just don’t have the means to access care.

There was a Capitol Hill staffer who was busted last year for C.P. A few months later, unemployed and living in his parents’ basement, he killed himself. Somehow his suicide note got out (or he purposefully released it himself ahead of time, I can’t remember)—and in it he talked about how he’d been abused, and

We are all Kirby Delauter.

You sound nice and not at all bitter!

So my original comment was from a while ago (over 5 years!), so was from before the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was passed. That changed some of the rules for what employers can or can’t do on Wellness programs such as this one, which is why now your friend’s workplace might be mandating it, and are allowed to.

Why would Islam need to be a race (which I agree of course it’s not) for “islamophobia” not to be a bullshit term? Do you think “homophobia” is a bullshit term? Because homosexuality is not a race either, last I checked, but I absolutely think homophobia is a real thing, just like I think islamophobia is.

How did he “cheat” if this wasn’t for an assignment?? If he had a school assignment to build a clock from scratch, and then brought this in, yes, that would indeed be cheating. But he was tinkering on his own, and brought this in on his own, so whether it was built from scratch or not it’s absolutely NOT cheating. He

Hi Anna- is it better to email rather than use the flag button? Does the flag system just not get checked as often? Thanks!

Were they waiting for it to dry age before they ate it or something?

Have you been evaluated for sleep apnea? It’s a long shot, but if you’re always tired and always have been, it could be one possible cause.

Congress does indeed cover both both branches of our bicameral legislature at the federal level (the United States Congress), it is not an appropriate term to use for the Missouri state legislature. The Missouri legislature will still have a House and a Senate like the US Congress does, but it is not the Missouri

I am not any kind of expert, but I would guess it’s just a variant or particular manifestation of narcissistic personality disorder.

Wait, really?? Isn’t the “extreme caloric restriction” probably what causes the weight loss? Versus the weird pregnancy pee?

This is heartbreaking, excellent advice. I’m very sorry for your loss, and appreciate you sharing these suggestions.

I guess their conversion to ICD-10 hasn’t gone very smoothly!