Based on how Fillion handled this, I never want to see him on a show again. It was a sad day I realized he was POS.
Based on how Fillion handled this, I never want to see him on a show again. It was a sad day I realized he was POS.
I’m rather over him, really. Not interested in seeing yet another show where he basically plays the same guy. I’ve also heard some not-so-nice things about his ego regarding the character focus of Castle.
I’m much more interested in Stana getting a higher calibre show, of her own.
What a contrast to Stana Katic’s tweet. I hope she lands a great gig.
Well, I’m a fan, or I was until season 7 or thereabouts. I still watch, but more in hope than expectation. I loved the characters of Beckett and Lanie and I loved Martha’s wardrobe but Castle has just been an irritating man-child for an age now. And the whole lost-time and pretending to be separated? Crap. I hope the…
I work in the entertainment industry, and I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about both of them outside this project.
Oh sure! But, I’ve met a lot of actors. Fillion is probably a great guy. Unless he doesn’t get his way. I think they pitched the series to him as “This is YOUR show!” Then, it turned out it wasn’t, exactly.
Fixed your headline for you.
This is for the best. The characters deserve a fate that doesn’t presumably result in Kate’s death.
Castle has been my all time favorite show for years (hell we named our dog Beckett) but this past season has suuuuuuuucked. It's time to put it out of its misery and just appreciated the many good seasons we had.
I quite like Castle, I’ll freely confess. When I heard about this, it was through a friend’s post of FB and the way I read it was that Stana Katic had decided to leave the show. I thought then that there was no way they could continue without her, because the relationship between her and Fillion is basically the whole…
As soon as they put Beckett in a wedding dress on her wedding day and didn’t complete the ceremony, the show went bankrupt. The last two seasons have been driven into the ground by junk conspiracies. They’d have been better off without any recurring mysteries at all.
It’s probably the best gig he’ll ever have, and he knows it. High profile, steady work, great money, number one on the call sheet, deep into rerun syndication.
Maybe it’s TV’s fault for suggesting to us the idea that 7 years is as long as a good show can last but as a fan it seems to be a good place to end. I loved the banter, I loved the Firefly references, heck I even forgave them for “The Blue Butterfly” episode and the “Pi” episodes.
Well considering the relationship of Castle and Beckett is the backbone of the show it was idiotic that they thought they could continue without her.
I think, sometimes, actors get lost in a little bubble of “ME! ME!” and think things will be fine. There must have been some concern from the network about Castle’s ratings. Between that and the personal crap ongoing, they just decided to ditch it.
Stana’s handwriting is awesome.
I hope Stana gets herself a new, badass show where she doesn’t have to put up with a shitty co-star next pilot season.
Jesus, I haven’t watched Castle in years but I am not entirely sure how they could do the show without Beckett, I do remember a few dude characters that the show would have been fine without though. The hell.
And to think I used to like Nathan Fillion. Thought he seemed like a nice guy... How wrong I was, apparently.