
(Oh yay I used the word “dichotomy” correctly. I probably should have checked that before posting, shouldn’t I?)

Regarding heat, M.2 flash drives (both SATA and NVMe) are a bit of a dichotomy. The controller chip and RAM cache like to be closer to room temperature, while the flash chips like being closer to a CPU or GPU’s thermal limits.

Don’t feed the impersonator troll.

That’s why when I tease the right regarding it, I put the word "or" in the middle.

I’m willing to bet that Starfield is going to use the DirectStorage protocol that Microsoft has been touting (but admittedly not really using yet). If that is the case, SATA drives are actually not going to work at all.

Thankfully, 99% of motherboards that fit the CPU requirements already have NVMe SSD slots. They were on Intel motherboards since at least 4th-Gen Core. Don’t know when AMD’s chipset started with it, but I’m willing to bet they did it first. (Yes, I know there are SATA SSDs. If this game requires an SSD, that’s a bad

Hopefully they make an Android Wear app since it’s already impossible to buy the watch. Not very interested in the watch face without game connectivity (preferably that works even when playing over Game Pass Cloud).

The actually-surprising thing is that the original creators of Call of Duty made a game that is one of the bigger supporters of LGBTQ+ rights in the AAA space. (

I wouldn’t mind using a Tom Scott or Alec from Technology Connections skin in something else (I ain’t touching CoD with a 10-foot pole)... but $20 would be quite a bit much.

You should probably stop paying your dues. The NRA is little more than Trump's booster club now. Far cry from their original (and good) founding purpose of promoting responsible gun ownership.

Bazzd go bye-bye for being an asshole.

I’m gonna need you to leave the conversation, if that last sentence is what you feel about Despicable Me 2.

Mother fucking try it, Lake.

Yeah. Also, if Tran really wants to win, I think the best bet is going to be to ditch FaZe as soon as possible. That place just isn’t... let’s go corpospeak... “conducive to success.”

Right... grab the boats. Oh well, I didn’t do that. Instead, in my attempts to do it “right” (but really wrong since cheese is the likely intended way), I ended up causing a few Soldier Constructs to off themselves by shooting at me into the boats. They couldn’t survive even a single shock from their own arrows.

it’s not like they can screw him up either.

Just how many ways has The Hero’s Journey been told? (Which neither Zelda nor Mario is, by the way.) Funny, sad, lots of anger, etc.

All the Proving Grounds shrines. Proving Grounds: Flow was the hardest one for me, but Nintendo provided a bunch of ways to cheese it, if only you can get to them without dying.

Thankfully (in case Christian heaven is real, which... no), begging forgiveness not only has to be legit, but you also show that you’re legit by at least trying not to do that shit anymore. Basically, by repeating your sin, you show to Jehovah that you weren’t really sorry that you did it the first time. Exceptions

So... I guess we’ve had multi-disc in every console generation that uses discs, huh? (At least I think we have; not sure what 2-disc games exist on the TG16 or Genesis.)