(I’m not sure, memory is spotty about this.) I think Legend of Dragoon did that, where each disc had different regions of the world.
(I’m not sure, memory is spotty about this.) I think Legend of Dragoon did that, where each disc had different regions of the world.
It’ll be a flop in America, do decently enough in Europe, and print money in Japan.
Unfortunately. But Zelda is more serious fare, storywise, than the stageplay-with-heavy-comic-relief that Mario is. I wholly expect an Illumination-made Zelda film, and I expect it to do far far worse than Mario.
No. Did after you said that. “Unfair Business Practices.” That works for me. But I still think Disney will win, but because of the money they can throw at this, not on the merits of it.
Correction: There’s no ‘k’ in Nic Cage’s name.
Considering that game ideas and rules are not intellectual property, I fully expect Disney and Ravensburger to come out on top here. However, if UDE goes for anti-competition violations, maybe they’ve got a chance.
ZQuest, anyone?
Dammit, Microsoft. You couldn’t have kept Mixer going for a few more years? This could have been your biggest chance ever.
*sigh* If I wanted “dark and mature” I’d go play Type-0. (Which I do in fact plan on doing, but I don’t want it in mainline Final Fantasy.)
Wow. Everybody both on Twitter and Kinja is acting like PS UK is demanding you throw away your boxes. Nah, guys. They’re just absolving you of the perceived moral responsibility to do so. You want to keep them? Go right a-fucking-head. You wanna get rid of them but you’re scared something will happen? They’re giving…
AI prompt makers are not technical artists. I know technical artists. I went to school with technical artists. They are full on real artists with real art skills, and the programming/scripting knowledge to implement in an actual game engine, where another non-technical artist might screw something up. Put vertices in…
Hopefully by the time this kind of AI is put directly into games, the trainers will be able to exclude anything from Ye. (Of course, edgelord modders will put it right back in.)
People who value their sanity will tell you “no.”
I have a friend that works that shift; I don't want a dirty fired cop within a mile of her.
I assume you’re keeping him away from Jables’s first major character role in film (The Neverending Story III)? (And that your kid is thanking you for it.)
Unless their name is actually Karen, then maybe they have a reasonable grievance. Unfortunately there's little that can be done about it without making vulnerable populations even more vulnerable.
If it is legitimately and intentionally exaggerated, then no it’s not justified. But what I keep hearing is that you’re just assuming that it is exaggerated for effect, and not their honest perception. And how you’ve been talking isn’t exactly convincing me of your opinions.
I assume it’s gotta be a net positive; 100 years before Breath of the Wild would be a -1; BotW itself is a +1.
Nope. Mipha and Link was an “unrequited love” deal. Also it’s pretty explicit that Zelda and her relationship with Link (whether it’s of duty or of romance) is why Mipha never made any attempt to be with him.
90% of that “history” is racist propaganda against Meghan, and another 9% is bitterness at Harry for choosing “the girl” over a very toxic family.