I already know whose side I’m on in this (Luiga, Kurvitz, Rostov, and Hindpere), and I don’t expect that to change. A person who has committed business fraud (Haavel) is liable to do it again, even after being caught.
I already know whose side I’m on in this (Luiga, Kurvitz, Rostov, and Hindpere), and I don’t expect that to change. A person who has committed business fraud (Haavel) is liable to do it again, even after being caught.
Sisi Jiang: Points out false narratives that a game designer is to justify a false, racist [metaphorical] image of a real place. (That racist image is the designer’s uncritical basis for presenting a world with zero racial diversity.)
Is also a game designer.
Is Asian American.
Introduced herself to Kotaku with an…
Massachusetts elected its first Democratic governor in seven years...
I know now, without a doubt, that Kingdom Hearts is light!
Nomura couldn't explain the plot. Politicians, not even him, have no chance.
In other words, Sega needs to do with 3D Sonic what it did with 2D Sonic: Hire the fans.
I see you haven't read the article. There's an entire paragraph about that.
Plus, that title was already taken in 1998 by the Tetris The Grand Master series, over a decade before Dark Souls came out.
Yeah, yeah, I’m already of the opinion that in America, civil war is inevitable. Either the Republicans keep gaining power and turn the country into a Trump-led dictatorship and leftists have to wage war simply to survive, or the Democrats start gaining power and MAGA proponents try 1/6 again. I’d like that to be…
CB2 was so bad that I’m certain I wasn’t the only person to write “Cancel this piece of shit” in the feedback.
Oh, Square Enix can absolutely make him write another Barret or Sazh. (Of course, he’d just give him a repeating crossbow to replace the guns they can’t envision a Black guy not wielding...) But they don’t wanna.
Except Babylon’s Fall. You don’t wanna play that in any way, shape, or form, even if it could be pirated.
It’ll never really get away from the insane racism as long as the Liberal Democratic Party* is in power (or is even the primary opposition). And that’ll never happen as long as Japanese youth don’t vote en masse.
The biggest reason why Epic is “ew” is that they were buying exclusivity on games that were already announced for Steam. Honestly, even without the already-announced stuff, the exclusivity-buying bit is already earning it, same as when Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony do it.*
There’s a Christian Right dumbass in your replies trying to say that Lightyear failed because of “politically motivated stories” (and not because it’s a story that not only nobody wanted, it’s a story that was already told, starring Tim Allen then Patrick Warburton) that you should probably dismiss.
You are one person. I’m talking about wide generalizations, and more imporantly, general public perception. Which, obviously, you have had little to no effect on. Even if your issue was widespread (and while I’m certain you’re not alone, “widespread” is not a word I’d use to describe it), it still doesn’t tip the…
Though we really should be pushing them to release their games on other launcher/stores, like Origin or (ewwwww) Epic.
A. It was the first multi-publisher launcher, and having ONE central hub for your games is fine. Launching a launcher FROM YOUR LAUNCHER is the problem. That and publishers trying to force you to abandon your launcher in favor of their thing.
So... I take it that this and Babylon's Fall are the canaries in the coal mine here?