
yeah, go with that. Florida ranks higher than many public (and private) Universities that you probably “think” are better schools. It is an AAU school and a “Public Ivy”...


By “Florida Standards?”... by anyone’s measure, the University of Florida is a good school. Top 15 public school...

Enjoy your star, you sick sonofabitch

The only crime I see is their shooting form.

For one thing, the cop’s shooting percentage would be sky-high.

He got the medal for dunking with a 30 lb belt on.

Predictable: White cop arrives on scene, encounters black kids... travels.

Now this is the type of police brutality I can get behind.

America in 2016: Cop treats kids like kids and doesn’t shoot them. Wins medal.

What is wrong with Apple hoarding $35 billion overseas? The government set up rules by which corporations get to play the game, and Apple (and all other companies that do this) are merely playing by the rules.

Yeah, but then where would he hide his own money to dodge taxation?

Probably because it was whatever age. In England at least, in the opposite situation, wanted baby comes out way too early, they have refused to resuscitate and it was a a horrifying experience for the mother. Don't you think it's a bit gruesome to watch a fetus, exactly the same as many premature babies , just die?

Im avoiding studying for a final. yikes :( and anyway, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar

Theres no need to be rude. I understood what you were saying. I said that the wording of the article was somewhat unclear— I couldnt tell whether “daily” was an inappropriate dangling modifier or was the actual prognosis of his care.

I am also pro-choice, and I concur....once the baby is out and separate from the mother, it is it’s own person. and “finishing the abortion” (i.e. killing a newborn) should count as murder. The reason I am pro-choice is because a woman gets to determine what happens to her body, and I believe the baby counts as an

Your point is well taken, but again the description of what has happened really isn’t very specific. Its hard to say what they mean by damage- is it his immaturity thats the problem, etc. But lets argue that he does have traumatic lung damage. Its very possible to live with the removal of a lobe or two of your lungs,

Generally QOL is made on the consideration of “what the patient would want”— like would you do emergency recussitative care on a person with dementia, or what have you. an excellent reason for all people of any age to have a DNR. as it is an infant, it would be impossible to know what he would want. Anyway infants are

I think he needs to remain on oxygen for now. at this age, most of his lungs are made, just not surfactant— lung development continues post partum. the sentence is poorly written (dangling modifer of “daily”) but this is not uncommon for premature infants.

Jesus fucking christ, “finish the abortion”? He’s a BABY. He was born ALIVE. And I am 1,000% pro-choice. But once you are born and viable, you are your own person with the right to a shot at life. My best friend has a 5 year old who was born at 26 weeks and weighed 1.5 pounds. He’s a fucking miracle. Shame on you.