I just hope not all Democrats AND Republicans are so against the others’ politics that we as Americans can use some fucking common sense and find a solution to this problem (ISIS). let's start by calling the problem by its name.
I just hope not all Democrats AND Republicans are so against the others’ politics that we as Americans can use some fucking common sense and find a solution to this problem (ISIS). let's start by calling the problem by its name.
lol. You fucking coward. Instead of them taking responsibility for themselves, you defend them. You’re probably a white BLM supporter, too, aren’t you?
Make America Unibomber Again.
“Mateen wasn’t linked to ISIS, he was a gay Muslim who wanted to kill people because he hated himself.”
Democrats in general and liberals on UniMedia are falling all over themselves trying to distance this from terrorism not because it was, not because many people were injured, not because they found a similar device a mile away, but because they are afraid it might help trump.
Yeah, it really is best to not leap to concussions, so maybe you should lie down and seek medical attention before continuing to post with your concussion.
Yeah, that’s all bullshit. I’m not ‘blaming anyone.’ But at the say time, we shouldn’t exculpate anyone either. It’s NOT a ‘leap’ on anyone’s part to say: “We don’t know anything right now. We’re keeping our investigative focus as broad as possible, not ruling anyone or any group out.”
Good God things are fucked up right now. Makes me sad. My whole family (most of us) served out of love for this country, to protect this country, and yet people are still too pansy to admit what’s going on. Are we gonna just keep denying the shit and admit we are having a serious problem, or we gonna do something…
It’s incredible how far certain government officials will bend in order to push focus away from Islamic Jihad. It’s also incredible how so many in the media will help them. The mass-stabber last night was shouting Allah Akbar and yet the police chief said it wasn’t terrorism. Really?
If it was me I would be supremely passive aggressive about how I banned. Ban all the athletes who compete in individual gymnastics but keep the ones who fill out the team events. Ban everyone but the Coxswain. Half of the synchronized diving pair
It's the oxtail
UPDATE: The entire Russian equestrian team has been disqualified as genetic testing shows the horses are actually teacup chihuahuas.
Where’s this coverage?
Surface tension. There’s a good chance he’d be fine. Also, I assume an ant that knows how to surf knows how to swim. It’s a leap, but I’m making it.
Enjoy your star, you sick sonofabitch
The only crime I see is their shooting form.
He got the medal for dunking with a 30 lb belt on.
Predictable: White cop arrives on scene, encounters black kids... travels.
Now this is the type of police brutality I can get behind.
America in 2016: Cop treats kids like kids and doesn’t shoot them. Wins medal.