
What an excellent idea. I haven’t had a whiskey sour in I don’t know how long. And they are sooo good!

Exactly. Ina doesn’t pretend to be anything she isn’t. She’s a self-taught caterer and home cook who has taken what she’s learned over the years and packaged it for the public. Her recipes and tips are reliably good.

I like watching her, because she clearly enjoys food. Also, her and her husband are adorable together.

Agreed. I adore all things Ina.

But he can step off making fun of Ina Garten. That woman is a damned good cook, and her recipes always work. You know if you’re using something she wrote, it has been tested to within an inch of its life and the results are reproducible. Sure, she’s privileged, but she owns it and she is good at what she does.

I’d never heard of Ms. Nolan before I saw this clip just now. Her comment is an example of brilliant writing and delivery. She should get to move directly to the top of sports reporters’ leader board.

Stop. Just stop. That someone could have your viewpoint in 2015 is beyond fucking comprehension. Fisher “should have known better”!?!?!? He is a fucking grown man seeing another grownup out of their mutual cordialness with one another, so for anyone to say they “should have known better” what you’re really saying is

I think that one of the main reasons these jokes are considered acceptable is the way it was framed by the media - as a Barnes vs. Fisher battle . Two rich men acting like High Schoolers over a girl is funny. However, that framing eliminates Gloria from the story. By doing so, it eliminates the real terror that must

Burneko, this is right and good and correct and excellent and for a (one can only assume very) temporary period you are not the absolute worst.

I think it was mostly shock that ALL of them were doing it not just one or two. But yeah when I saw it I was like “so what, baseball is boring, everyone goes for the beer, hot dogs and selfies”.

I hate golf, but I find that it helps me sleep. It makes for a comforting background noise; it reminds me of Sunday afternoons at my grandparent’s house.

In my experience, a baseball game is something happening in the background while you drink overpriced beer and hang out with your dad.

My first thought, was the game must’ve been as boring as a baseball game can get, and they can get soooo boring. But hey, a group of girls having fun in spite of yawn fest in front of them and it’s sacrilege! Seriously people need to lighten up. I do love their response though. Good for them.

In my experience, a baseball game is something happening in the background while you drink overpriced beer and hang out with your dad. Every so often something happens, but you can usually tell when its about to.

Right? Like there's so much nonstop action at a freaking baseball game haha.

Oh that’s the “controversy”? That people weren’t paying sufficient attention to a baseball game? Right, because it all happens so fast, lol. I couldn’t figure out why this was a story, and I’m still kind of confused.

Well that was a cool response. The video was pretty silly, but people who were outraged about girls taking selfies at a baseball game need to get a real cause.

I know, what’s more American than beating the shit out of your family and paying a lawyer to get you off on criminal charges.

Waiting on Dana White to set up a fight between her and Rousey. There have gotta be at least a quarter million douchebros who’d pony up for the PPV.

I think we need to leave her alone a little bit here. A belief in a person’s innocence despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary merely makes her a typical Patriots fan.