
Why would she care? Sure, she lost her job but the racist assholes will probably raise money for her rancid ass on gofundme (note to self look to make sure they don’t and flag any campaign they put up.) and then she’ll get another job somewhere else after shit settles down. You don’t lose money being a white racist

Sigh. If someone clapped Large Marge, they’d be called a thug and sent to rot in maximum security. Meanwhile she gets to be out here being a whole criminal and nothing happens besides dismissal.

Yeah but there generally aren’t any consequences for shit like this. That miserable old buzzard just lost her little park job, that’s it. It’s not like she’s gonna face charges for pointing a gun at those people and driving them out of the park. She should. Anyway, as long as there aren’t any real consequences for

When will racists get it? You’re on camera now sweetie, the world can see your Christian heart for what it really is.

Mood at work

That’s because it’s embedded to start shit. All the way from Becky demanding to speak to a manager to trigger happy “peace officers.”

Quite literally, an upswing in gun control legislation came up because the Black Panthers armed themselves.

Again, it’s the civilian, not the “trained peace officer” who is expected to think clearly, act responsibly, don’t do anything too aggressive, and stay the fuck calm.

Yeah, a while back I figured out that when people mouth-breathe about the Second Amendment, it actually only applies to white males who subscribe to white supremacy and the fundamentalist right wing.

Their unions are complicit as well.

The last thing you need is someone off the chain in possession of firearms.”

I learned this lesson when I fucked around and sat in my friends drive way while he took a shower. A neighbor assumed the black 12 year sitting on his bike playing his PSP was a look out for burglars. Cops pull up and demand I showed them my state ID. I was 12. I didn’t have and ID. I tell them that and they kept

So much fucking code words, shit like this should go to the supreme court and the DOJ because the constitutional rights being violated every day by pieces of shits like these.

You’re assuming the MAGA crowd thinks rationally and checks facts instead of believing what they’re told. 

There’s a cause that isn’t being addressed beyond general human bias.

“Shoot first” behavior and eventual suicide is typical in veterans with unresolved PTSD. Generally these people see their peers die in gruesome ways or commit heinous acts themselves that they feel they can’t atone for.

Law enforcement suicides

But where are all the Second Amendment people crying about his rights being violated? It’s almost as if they don’t think the Second Amendment applies to everyone equally...

I’m just so sick of these guys whining about how “attractive” people get more positive attention. No shit. Welcome to the world. That’s shouldn’t be a revelation to anyone. What baffles me is their inability to see attractiveness as a package deal. Yeah, good looks are going to get you more swipes on Tinder or

Remember when dudes were getting all upset at Gillette’s Super Bowl ad because commercials shouldn’t tell men what to do?

“Incels also argue that women get similarly invasive procedures regularly and aren’t criticized.”

I can’t wait to see the fate of the idiot that thought this up, as I’m sure he’ll find some way to fail upward.