Wow. That’s pathetic even for Fox News.
Wow. That’s pathetic even for Fox News.
I hope he sues the living shit out of this school. The idea that telling someone not to call you a name is a fireable offense if the most idiotic thing I have ever heard and they are not qualified to teach brine shrimp much less children.
Yep, because Europeans have never ever done anything bad to people of color ever
Already knew this was going to be here:
White women’s tear are weapoma of mass distruction and have gotten Black men killed and them off the hook. It absolutely does matter that she’s faking it.
Oh, she hates herself. But not as much as she hates consequences.
If she really hated herself that much, she could be accountable and have pleaded guilty to manslaughter at least.
This wouldn’t have happened if so many white people weren’t scared of any black person they see and if cops weren’t conditioned to shoot first and ask questions later. It was technically an accident but it probably wouldn’t have happened if she wasn’t a white cop or he wasn’t a black man.
To me if her tears are genuine or not doesn’t matter. She can be genuinely remorseful and feel guilty as fuck that doesnt change whether she is guilty in the eyes of the law. She shot a man in his own home.
Laws can’t police intentions or feelings, only actions.
Meanwhile in Mayopolis:
“My Emperor,
You are unclothed. Bare as the day you were born. As your naked resplendence is too much for the mortal eye to bear, so mine eyes must turn from your glory, and toward mundanity. I shall walk forever in the shadow of your toadstool, ne’er again to turn my head toward the fires of your Scrotal Sodom, lest…
At least have some decorum for the office; That’s PPABOTUS, thank you very much!
Anybody want to take a guess at how BLOTUS will manage to shit the bed on 9/11? I figure a whole lot of hate tweeting Hollywood and probably accusing Ilhan Omar of having masterminded the attack.
she says she spent all night reading the bible
The woman tells her that she’s doesn’t want to “argue” her faith.
This is what “religious freedom” laws allow. It’s a slippery slope and will always be used to justify racism and other bigotries. This is why the right wing is a curse upon humanity, and why christianity is used to provide a platform for fascism.
She unintentionally nailed it with “Christian race.” So many of these situationally-holy types seem to regard “The Bible” (a book they probably couldn’t pick out of a lineup) as magically supporting whatever bigoted shit is swirling around their heads on any given day. “I hate that fat black woman so the Bible must…