
Alabama has shown absolutely no concern for the children that are born, let alone the children who are in the womb to mothers who are trying to bear them. Where’s the help there, Alabama, with pre-natal care and doing something about infant mortality?

“Transgender... I loved that movie. Where the cars change into giant robots, correct?”

this overgrown brat

I’m Actually Laughing at How Little Trump’s Campaign Cares About the Law

That’s what I was thinking too when Missandei and Grey Worm talked about going there. You know what? It’s all fiction anyway. I say Missandei and the Unsullied left that night. Just took a bunch of boats and sailed to Naath. The Unsullied went on some quest and solved the Butterfly fever problem and they lived happily

It’s both better, and worse than that: Tyrion offered Grey Worm and the Unsullied to be a House in the lands of the Reach and they apparently declined.

Should point out that on Missandei’s island is a type of sickness called Butterfly fever and the only people who are immune to it are the locals. So basically the Unsullied are heading off to die from Ebola.

Jon could only win with plot armor is basically a full description of his character. Oh, and he knows nothing.


so i assume you’re signed up to adopt and raise any unwanted babies that are now going to happen in your community, right?  

Well, hell, you can’t arbitrarily make a woman carry a collection of cells that absolutely would not be a viable human being if delivered before Week X to term.

Funny how that shit works.

Can we also pass laws where men who have sex that result in an unwanted pregnancy face jail time and fines? Triple the amount of child support men need to pay? Force them to pay all medical expenses, disability and medical products related to pregnancy and child birth women need? Require them to also pay women for

My partner and I are from this area, neither of us want children, we use protection, but that’s not 100%.

As a citizen of STL Missouri, I’m unbelievably saddened. My partner and I are from this area, neither of us want children, we use protection, but that’s not 100%. Last night we had the conversation, and I’m going in for a vasectomy. I should have done it awhile ago, but now is no longer the time to hesitate.

Reminder that the only reason the American ISIS latched on to abortion was because their real concern of having their kids go to school with blacks was not polling well:

Yeah...I’m waiting for Greaves and The Satanic Temple to mount a legal challenge. They usually like to jump head first into the muck and mire.

This is when you get Muslim and Jewish parents to file lawsuits for religious discrimination because we know they’re not teaching the Torah or the Koran.  They'll have to either introduce courses they don't want or drop the curriculum altogether. 

Taking time off for religious holidays are not the same as forcing people to study a particular sect of Christianity in public school. The state does not force people to celebrate the holiday they give time off for practitioners. Also, there are no federal holidays for Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Shintoists, or

I took a classical mythology class in my public high school that taught Greek, Roman, Norse, etc. mythology. The difference is that Christians don’t like their religion referred to as “mythology” - which is why I call it that every chance I get.