Fucking snowflakes man, eternally triggered.
Fucking snowflakes man, eternally triggered.
Christians wrap their faith in their white nationalism (or Vice Versa) and this claim they’re being prosecuted for their faith as opposed to their racism. Which we all know, since Central Americans, in general, are Christians to an extreme, far more than I see from so called whites. But since they’re brown, they…
Can we stop paying attention to this mediocre women’s who’s literal, actual, only job is to get people to tune in to see what asinine, backwards shit she says? Meghan McCain exists only to get blog posts about her, like this. That’s it.
imagine if she DIDN’T tell them where the truck was... and returned to ask them. She should’ve let them sweat it out a bit. Stealing it back was genius.
Well ... I mean, I know hateful white nationalist domestic terrorists set fire to black towns.
“Ilhan Omar continues to be targeted by Donald Trump and his fringe followers.”
Two things to remember about Donald trump that occurred on 9/11:
“whoop that ass” culture continues to destroy families, eh
Throw him under the jail.
This assault is not what anyone who supports spankings is talking about, and if you’re even halfway rational, you would admit that.
I will be sure to bring this us the next time someone tells me “spare the rod, spoil the child!”
Coming at your shit take bro!
Nice false equivalence, AIDS isn’t communicable by proximity, measles are, and for kids whose immunity is barely there WITH vaccines, if the unvaccinated outnumber the vaccinated guess what, they are still affected by those who don’t have it as the vaccine isn’t a cure all.
We know what measles and polio are and have known for quite some time. We know how to protect people against those diseases. We know what happens if we don’t protect people against them.
Back then, no one knew what HIV was and didn’t try to because it was…
Nope, she has openly agreed with his birtherism, vulgar language towards women, internet attacks on people, and attitude towards immigration after coming here to work illegally herself. So fuck her.
i’m not torn. she’s a coward.
Fuck Melania and her bullshit subtle ways.