

Cuffed a seven year old. Think about that.

Isn’t Nigeria one of the economic pillars of Africa? I’m sure Wikipedia will tell you that. Fuck PR. People just need to stop being racist.

“but when people talk about Great Britain, it’s about the English Defense League.”

Adichie: I think [laughs] it reflects very poorly on French people that you have to ask me that question.

Good thing all those whites with “economic anxiety” voted for the maybe-billionaire so he can do this, take all the tax break money, spend his time in his resort at our cost, and....

a 60 year old, very white, upper management type said, “I bet Mandingo swings more than that bat!”

Even if we could somehow remove the racist bias that taints the current system, it would still be a completely arbitrary, shitty system that would punish the poor and benefit the rich. Tear it the fuck down.

White culture has offered itself up freely, even forcing people of colour to adopt white cultural practices, religion, clothing, etc, particularly due to colonialism. This is why it’s fucking impossible to appropriate white culture.

Company softball game a few years back made me realize that corporate America was not for me. I hit a line drive field and a 60 year old, very white, upper management type said, “I bet Mandingo swings more than that bat!”

Where are all the #BlueLivesMatter peeps?

Right, but “nobody should use that word” is usually a lecture and not repeatedly disciplining Black folks worse than white ones and trying to disband Black Officer’s Unions, and punishing whistleblowers.

MOC have to be much more careful in corporate America. The same joke the white guy tells that cracks everyone with laughter can land the black guy in HR.

I know quite a few black people (especially black men) who have HUGE problems with other black men using the word, even ending with a, even culturally amongst themselves.

Chief Buckner, the guy who suspended both black officers, is black.

But what many people may find surprising, considering how white women have typically been front and center in the #MeToo movement, is that men of color were more likely than white women to label workplace sexual harassment as a “serious problem.”

Ah, they’re mad because black people use it amongst themselves. In other words, “If we can’t say it, neither can you.”

You might have missed the sarcasm.

Actually why don’t you list off some of those things black culture has appropriated from white culture.