
Ummm, why is everyone feeding the trolls? That’s bad business.

If wage equality is know what? Never mind. This article is reporting what happened, so take that up with Jessica Chastain.

People confuse all types of people for other people all the time. To the best of my knowledge, our admitting to confusing redheads doesn’t affect anyone’s salaries...but valiant attempt to deflect.

I love this story and the fact that Chastain didn’t tell it herself or use it to defend herself when she was recently called out for some colourblind nonsense tweet. So many of her ilk only do this shit (and not nearly this much) to later prove their legitimacy, allyship or wokeness when their racism is inevitably

White folks who like to call themselves allies please take note. She acknowledged she didnt know shit, LISTENED, then did something meaningful without making it about her.

Kay, welp... already discussed with another commenter very lightly the diff between my late 90s, early 2k sex ed, but I was in a state that so far funds schools and is largely liberal (NY values, anyone?) and was attending a magnet school you had to test into with about 2 extra hrs of instruction. No humble brag here,

No responses yet? I guess folks are afraid to...touch this.

Welp, to answer Fucker Carlson there;

My man Tucker wants to be relevant so bad, but he has the charisma of a gallon of Hellman’s and the mental acumen of a goldfish, so he’s racheted up the racism to level 100 in the hopes he can fill Bill O’Reily’s time slot through sheer force.

I get what you’re saying, but a stop in government services+benefits/furloughs of non essential staff and the expiration of CHIP more than likely hurts black women, women of color, black kids, and everyone more than the expiration of DACA will.

On the heels of historical wins by black women, historical turn out by black women to elect dems - white dems, and defeat white repubs.. the white leadership of the dems.. sold out black women, women of color, dreamers, black kids and everyone except.. white women and white men. Again.

The “OK” knocked me out. It has to be the the step child of “I said what I said” This child is COMPLETELY unbothered by his teacher. It’s fabulous. And I have been trying to find a way to articulate what my mood for 2018 is and this child found it for me.

Teacher: “King, I am very disappointed in your journal today.”

Except there is some controversy as to wether it holds the urges at bay or intensifies and normalizes the urges.

Shit, better a doll than a child.

Careful. The nipples might be a dash button for KY Jelly.

I don’t know her.

1. A lot of Jezebel readers don’t read The Root (although they should).

Stating the obvious doesn’t get you invited to the cookout. She should have got in white women’s asses if you wanted to really considering sharing your to go plate with her 3 days after the cookout. You know, a good ol, you bitches are the reason dude is in office, you bitches were actually gonna put a child molester

I forgot to add, on a somewhat random note, Cecile’s daughter is Sen. Kamala Harris’s Communications Director.