
When all the other officers shut down their racist colleagues, report them, and ostrasize them - then they deserve anything better than our contempt.
Not before

What doesn’t help is people who fail to understand that complaining about racist cops and the supposedly not racist cops who protect these assholes is in no way the same as hating all cops.

Nah, you know what divides us?

Where did you see me say that we should go hating on all cops? Don’t come at me with that Trump comprehension, seeing what you want to see and spinning it. Don’t.

To the people who will say “he’s only one of a few police who feel this way...most police aren’t racist”

If we were all 1/10th the person Viola Davis is, the world would achieve immeasurable greatness.

It’s worth a watch. I know there’s been some criticism, well founded criticism, about the marches and the lack of intersectionality and the phoniness of some white feminists, but I’ve also seen some pretty awesome things going on too, as shown by the clip above and the various DACA speeches I’ve seen today too.

I prefer to give women like this my attention.

I served on a state grand jury about a decade ago. One of the people brought up on charges had a huge stash of child pornography, including videos. The DA said, “This is the evidence we have so you can see why we’re presenting the case.”

At least now the gun nuts* have a reason to hate him too.

Well that tears it. I wasn’t sure if he was a bad person before, but now I know for sure.


I remember how nice the Obamas were to Melania on Inauguration Day, that was probably the last day that anyone was genuinely, unconditionally nice to her. 

Fuck this bitch! She has the nerve to question Obama’s birth certificate when hers is not even from this country? Who the fuck is she to try to declare a state a foreign country.

She signed on to this mess, she knows what kind of asshole she married. I can’t waste time feeling sorry for her.

Now playing

“People say a lot of things about Melania, but every time more info comes out about her husband, I feel a little sorry for her.”

That’s like two of his kid’s names right there.

Maybe it’s not reflective of the way the mom tried to raise her. But she learned to be racist from somewhere, and given how young she is, it was almost certainly from a family member of some kind.

I think trying my best to raise a good person and then having my kid turn out to be an asshole would be a nightmare.