
I love the saying, "those who love brutal honesty are more interested in the brutality than thr honesty".

People who are "honest" and "tell it like it is" are really just assholes.

Based on her portrait I would say Maya Rudolph. Too comical? (Although, let's be honest, a woman donning a giant top hat to appear to be a southern gentleman aristocrat DOES have great comic potential).

Why isn't your answer, as it ALWAYS SHOULD BE, Idris?

dang i feel you but...... would still watch

Rashida Jones should play Ellen.

WHO do we think should be cast for the miniseries

Craigslist is glorious. In Des Moines, there is a woman who cant seem to let her cheatin' ex go either. She posts ad after ad making general allusions to who the guy is and to who the new squeeze is too. Ive been following her messages for awhile now, usually on a Sunday. We should start a list of local Craigslist

Putting this out here:

Just love your kids.

I did not expect my post about rhino butts to be replied with such a fine hiney.* Good tush, Clive Owen.

Oh, why, did someone mention a mesmerizing "butt"? Something I've been working on during the post-Christmas lull:

I am so completely mesmerized by its weird butt. It looks like an ill-fitting skirt. Skin skirt. Rhino skin skirt. GET YOUR BUTT TAILORED, TINY RHINO.

THIS. Pass the wine.

I am depressed for exactly this reason.

I had this same thought. These two were perfect for one another. Sigh.

If two people who seemed to have literally been made for each other (by Vincent Price as The Inventor) and had perfectly subverted the issues of cohabitation can't make it, who among us can? I'll take this as proof that humans weren't meant to mate for life.

"Now, that first story might not seem to be some huge righteous vengeance,..."

Fallon's face with Gervais' lips looks like an English Bulldog impersonating the Emperor Ming!!